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Haechan helps him get into his bed and gets him lots of pillows and an ice pack before he sits next to him awkwardly. Renjun wants to scream at him to come and cuddle him but he's not too sure if Haechan would want to. Of course in usual fashion these two are having the same thoughts. Sometimes they are like trying to push two magnets together.
"Will you cuddle me?" Renjun asks shyly after getting his courage up. Haechan smiles and crawls toward him and wraps his arms around his middle.
"I missed you so much, Junie. I wish you wouldn't have worked yourself so hard. Jeno told me how you didn't rest. That's why you got hurt, you have to take care of yourself." He sighs and snuggles impossibly close.
"I left as soon as I talked to you guys. I seen you looking so tired and sad and I felt awful. My flight got delayed or I would have been here yesterday." Renjun hums.
"I slept most of the day, yesterday." He says.
"Good. You needed it." He smiles softly, he loves how caring Haechan has always been.
"I missed when I walked into work and you would be there to tell me how cute I looked." Haechan smiles wide.
"You shouldn't need me to tell you that cutie. Just look in the mirror." Renjun lightly hits his arm.
"I missed eating your cooking, it always seemed like the nights that I felt the loneliest were the same nights you would invite me to eat with you." Haechan says softly. Renjun plays with his hair making him feel even more relaxed.
"I missed seeing your beautiful smile everyday." Renjun whispers before he breaks their quiet environment. He starts laughing uncontrollably, confusing the other.
"Do you see how easy it is for us to avoid the important stuff and talk about random shit? Haechan, I Don't know for sure how you feel because what everyone else says doesn't matter until I hear it from you but, I love you. I need you to know that I love you and not like how best friends love each other, I'm so deep in love with you that without you I barely know who I am. I'm scared and lonely and angry and sad, when you aren't near me." He sighs and gets Haechan to sit up and look at him.
"If you don't feel the same then fine, I try to move on but if you do feel anything for me, I would like to be with you."
He takes a deep breath and has to Will away tears. That was one of the most terrifying things he's ever done and it's only been thirty seconds but the fact that Haechan is silent is scaring him.
"Junie? Look at me?" He slowly turns back to him and sees Haechan with a river of tears flowing down his cheeks.
"I've always loved you. I didn't think you would feel the same so I couldn't tell you." He takes his hand and plays with his fingers.
"When I left here, I thought I would go on this grand adventure and learn things about myself and maybe get over my one sided love." He chuckles.
"You know what I learned?" Renjun just shakes his head but remains silent.
"That even if you didn't love me like I love you, it's still better to be in your atmosphere. I learned that I need you in my life in so many ways and want you in so many ways too. I was putting off coming back because I knew I would have to face the possibility that you wouldn't feel the same but everyday gone was a struggle." He sighs and kisses Renjun's hand.
"Why didn't you take your phone? We were so worried about you? I was so scared for you and every day I hoped you would call." Renjun says quietly.
"I'm sorry Junie, but I knew it wouldn't work if I called you guys. I knew I was going to miss you and want to come crawling back right away if I heard your voice or seen your face. But no matter how long I was gone I could never make my feelings go away so I finally decided I should call and check on you guys. And just like I thought, it made me want to come back right away." Renjun chuckles.
"If only you would have called sooner." Renjun pushes himself down so he's laying beside him and rolls onto his side.
"I love you." He says softly before closing the small gap and kissing his warm soft lips. Haechan kisses back happily as his arm goes to rest on his hip. It is not heated or rushed, just a gentle caressing of lips. I love you spoken in a kiss.
Renjun pulls away with a bright smile on his face and pecks his nose.
"Don't ever leave me again." He says softly. Haechan smiles.
"Never." Haechan buries his face in Renjun's neck and leaves soft kisses there.
"I love you." He whispers, making Renjun giggle.
"I love you, I love you, I love you. I'm so glad I can finally say it." He says cutely making Renjun soft. He runs his fingers through his hair with a satisfied smile plastered on his face.
"Will you go on a date with me now?" Haechan asks softly.
"I would love to." Renjun whispers, keeping the nice quiet atmosphere. Haechan lets out a breathy laugh.
"Are you still dating that other guy?" He asks, trying but failing to hide his sad jealousy. Renjun sighs.
"We weren't really dating. He asked me out with some mutual friends and we went on this group outing then the second time we were alone." He notices Haechan tensing and kisses his lips softly.
"The third date that you witnessed him picking me up for, was a mistake." He sighs and kisses his lips again.
"He was so sweet and understanding when I told him about you. He was always a gentleman and treated me so nice." Haechan is crying so he stops and wipes his tears for him.
"Then I tear you apart by leaving, I don't really deserve you do I? Maybe he is better for you?" Renjun chuckles and kisses all over his face.
"I was going to say that he was always that way but he could never be you." Haechan looks in his eyes and sees his sincerity and love.
"We both made mistakes, we were both hurting and we didn't know how to deal with it. You are here now and that's all I've wanted for weeks, I just wanted you home safe and healthy, and I got that so I'm happy. As an added bonus I've gotten to kiss you." Haechan hugs him and breaths him in.
"What time is your shift tomorrow?" Haechan asks.
"I open." Renjun says with a pout.
"I'm doing it. You stay home and rest. I'll take some shifts for you now." Renjun wants to argue but he can see in his eyes that it's non negotiable.
"Ok. Thank you." He says softly.
"Don't tell anyone, I'll surprise them." Renjun nods and cuddles into him.
"Aren't you tired though? You must be jet lagged?" He asks softly as he feels himself getting sleepy.
"I'm going to sleep here with you, if it's ok. Then I'll be fine for work tomorrow." He says quietly, starting to feel sleepy too.
"I want you to stay, but you should change into something comfortable and cuddle me." Haechan smiles and kisses his face.

This is the best sleep either one has had in a long time.

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