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It's been a couple of weeks of promotions and fundraisers. They've made around twenty thousand thanks to the generous customers and surrounding businesses. Unfortunately as a way to prove that they are actually donating this money and it isn't all a scam, they have to have a photo taken of them handing the check to the couple. It's just a little comfort for the public to know that they are legit. The problem is Yuta is weaker and tired and also more prone to infection so it will just have to be Mark with a picture of the other.
The plan is for him to come in tomorrow afternoon and accept the check in front of the news photographer. Renjun actually hates this idea. He loves Mark and misses having him around but he wants Mark to stay with Yuta.

"Can you help me hang these banners Haechanie?" He asks making a cute pout.
"I want to eat you up." He says chasing him to the back corner. Renjun pulls the ladder up and starts to climb.
"Be careful." Haechan says grabbing onto it so it stays in place.

As he reaches to the left a bit too far Haechan holds his waist so he doesn't fall.
"Don't fall Renjunie." He says sternly.
"Just hold me." He whines.

"Ok, that's it, get down." He says after having to catch him.
"Haechan?" He hears behind him and turns slowly, stiffly.
"Johnny?" He asks even though he can see him.
The tall handsome man comes to him and pulls him in for a hug. He of course hugs back but is a bit apprehensive.
"Hey, how have you been? I missed you." He says as he's still hugging him, much to Renjun's displeasure.
"I've been really good. In fact if you let me go I can introduce you to my boyfriend." Johnny jumps back in surprise.
"Wait, is this, the boyfriend? The only person you could ever love?" He asks teasingly. Haechan hits him and looks at his confused boyfriend, both sporting red cheeks.

"Johnny, meet the love of my life, Renjun.
Renjun this is Johnny, he was my travel companion. We helped each other out a lot. He's a good friend." Renjun smiles and holds his hand out to shake.
"It's so nice to meet you, it's nice that Haechan had someone to rely on." Johnny smiles widely.
"Oh my god. You are the cutest. He is so cute." Renjun giggles at his enthusiasm and Haechan rolls his eyes.

Everyone was invited to Renjun's to meet Johnny. Renjun loves him already. For obvious reasons that he took care of his Haechanie and because he is so nice and such a good story teller. He's been telling funny stories about Haechan on the trip and some things that he did without him. Renjun is enjoying it a lot, he's trying not to let his mind wander down that road of doubt. Like, how did he have so much fun when he told me he was miserable? These kind of thoughts crop up on occasion and pushes them away.

When their friends leave, Johnny insists he will help clean up.
"Thank you for having me. It's been fun getting to know you all, especially you. I've heard so much about you." Renjun smiles warmly, pushing back the dark thoughts again. The question why can't I say the same about you? Are words he's swallowing for now.
"Where are you staying? I have a bed you can pull out of the couch." Renjun says nicely.
"Oh no, I couldn't possibly. I Can just get a room at the..."
Renjun shushes him and pulls him into the living room.
"Haechanie? Can you please get me the sheets for the pullout couch?" He frowns, surprised.
"Oh? Well, yeah, ok?" Johnny sighs.
"It's ok, i really Can Get a room." Renjun shakes his head.
"Nonsense. Stay, then if you want you can go with Haechan tomorrow and have coffee and a roll on me. I insist." Johnny smiles softly.
"Thank you." He says as Haechan gets the sheets for the bed while Johnny helps Renjun pull the bed out.

After getting him settled Renjun crawls in bed with Haechan and kisses his cheek.
"Are you ok Haechanie? You are so quiet." He nods with a small smile.
"I'm good, really. Thank you for being so kind to Johnny." He says softly. Renjun hums and kisses his cheek again. He lays in silence for a while and finally decides to ask the questions that are haunting him.
"Why didn't you tell me about him?" He asks right before hearing a soft snore coming from his boyfriend. He sighs and figures it can wait until tomorrow.

When he wakes the next morning it's to Haechan kissing him goodbye. He has to work earlier and he wants Renjun to stay in bed as long as possible.
"I love you baby, go back to sleep." Renjun nods and smiles cutely before falling right to sleep.

Haechan finds Johnny awake and brings him with so he can have breakfast and let Renjun sleep.
He sits and visits with all his friends as they come and go and greets Renjun with open arms as he walks in.

After a few more hours Johnny has had enough and follows Haechan to the store room.
"What the hell is your problem? Do you really hate it that I'm here? I Can leave tonight don't worry." Haechan scoffs.
"That's not it. I don't want you to leave, I just..."
"It's because we slept together isn't it? We both know that..." Haechan covers his mouth.
"This isn't the place to discuss it."

"Chenle I-I'm not feeling well." He looks up from the table he's sitting at and frowns.
"Holy shit! You are so pale. You look like shit." He says. Renjun sighs.
"Thanks. I j-just n-need some air. C-can you?" He gestures around.
"Of course, it's not very busy anyway and if we get busy I'll just put Johnny on it." He smiles awkwardly and nods.
"Thanks." He walks out quickly and catches the first bus he sees. He's not really sure where to go right now so he just rides until it hits him which direction the bus is going and now he has a purpose.

When Haechan walks out of the store room with Johnny in tow he looks for his boyfriend.
"Where is Renjun?" He asks Chenle finally.
"He didn't tell you? He's sick. He said he needed air and left, that's weird though. He was back there with you two, why didn't he tell you?" Haechan pales.
"Jesus you don't look so good, I hope this isn't contagious." Chenle says. Haechan looks at Johnny desperately.
"What am I going to do?" He asks Johnny as he sits at the nearest table so he doesn't fall over.
"Stay calm and help me find him." Johnny says like the man of reason he is.

They walk out of the cafe together but Haechan pauses and looks up at Johnny with pure heartache on his face.
"I'll go alone. It's probably best if we aren't together anymore." He says as he looks away.
Johnny has led a life of heartbreak, lost his one true love and his parents and lived through both tragedies, this one hurts just as bad. He thought Him and Haechan were great friends, he thought about settling down in his town but he hasn't felt welcomed since he got here, at least not from the one person who counted.
"Ok, fine. It was nice seeing you." He says softly as he starts to walk away.
"Sorry for all the trouble."
If it's even possible, Haechan feels worse. He hurt his love and a dear friend all because he was a coward. As he walks to his car with his tears streaming down his face he wonders if he is meant for happiness, did he ever deserve it in the first place?

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