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Haechan was up with the sun but he would never admit that. He's getting everything ready for a day at the beach with the man he loves with his whole heart. He wants to make it special he wants it to be memorable so whenever he thinks of going to the beach he will remember their day together.
"Sunscreen, cooler, blanket." He is satisfied that he has everything, at least until he walks out the door and realizes he didn't put any of the food in the cooler. He rolls his eyes. It was the whole reason he was up so early. He goes back into the kitchen and fills his cooler with drinks and sandwiches while humming happily. He woke up this morning with the thought that if he wants something positive to happen he has to have a positive attitude so he is doing his best. He wants to work up the courage to maybe just tell him so he thinks if maybe he has more of these little dates they can get even closer.

He gets to the cafe and sees Jisung, Chenle and Mark working the Saturday morning rush. It's usually a lot of high school kids on the weekends that are out shopping and hanging out with friends. It's pretty busy today, he figures because school is starting back up soon.
"Hi guys." He says as he walks up.
"Hey." Chenle says.
"Are you nervous?" He asks quietly to prevent Mark and Jisung from hearing anything.
"Yeah. I don't know, we've hung out alone together before but this time feels different so I'm terrified. I really want to give a good impression I guess." He says quietly. Chenle pats his shoulder.
"Just be yourself, you are really really annoying but you have one of the biggest hearts in this world." Haechan frowns slightly.
"Thanks?" He questions. Chenle chuckles.
"Really, win him over with your heart." He purses his lips then smiles.
"Ok, thank you." He asks for some coffee and a tea for Renjun and sits by the counter for another ten minutes. He was a little early, so he doesn't mind.
"Haechan." He hears from behind him. He turns and sees Renjun looking as cute as he's ever seen with a white bucket hat, white t shirt with blue shorts. He has a white stripe of sunscreen on his nose and he's carrying his sketchbook. It's a simple look, but it takes his breath away.
"Hi, Junie." He walks up and hands him his tea.
"Come on cutie, everything we need is in my car."
Renjun smiles and looks away.
Haechan opens the door for him before going around to his side. He's not one that believes in masculine or feminine roles, he would hold the door for anyone and expect the same if he was the guest. Of course Renjun blushes but blames it on the heat.
The ride to the beach is mostly comfortable silence with a little small talk about work.
After parking Renjun helps Haechan carry the things they will need and sets it up. The sand is already warming in the mid morning sun and Haechan can't help but notice the cute way Renjun wiggles his toes in it. He's now sitting on the blanket with his knees up, his chin on his knees as he stares at the soft waves lapping the shore. They picked a fairly quiet spot off to the side so they didn't have to deal with a bunch of kids. They want to just relax and have fun together.
Haechan grabs his sunscreen and offers to get his back for him which he accepts of course. As soon as his hands touch his shoulders he lets out a tsk.
"You are so tight." He says as he presses his fingers j to his tense muscles. Renjun leans into his touch with a small moan leaving his lips. Haechan has to use all of his will power to not let it affect him.
"Lay on your stomach, let me work out the kinks." He says softly. Renjun isn't so sure but he lays down anyway. Haechan gets to his knees and uses his sunscreen to massage the smaller's back. He starts at his neck and slowly works his way down. Renjun is thankful they are at a quiet part of the beach since he's moaning and groaning like crazy. Haechan expertly works his way down to his hips and finishes up.
"That was amazing. You should do that for me everyday." He says with a satisfied grin. Haechan smiles widely.
"You know I would cutie." He says making Renjun blush again.
"Shut up. Turn around and I'll put sunscreen on you too." He says as he sits up. Haechan giggles and turns.
"So have you been giving any thought to hiring more staff?" Haechan asks because as much as it is a shared business between the seven, Renjun is the owner, all decisions ultimately land on him. He sighs as he finishes his back and moves his hands up Haechan's neck, giving him shivers. His touch is feather light and Haechan can't get enough.
"I want to, it would be more business of course but I was so happy just working with my friends you know? I don't want to bring in strangers." Haechan laughs.
"You're so cute. You do know that nothing would ever take away from our friendships right?" He asks.
"I know, it's just that I like how things are and I don't want them to change." Haechan sighs and bites his lip as he ponders just how much he would like to change the way things are. He feels like for Renjun there is no changing. They will always be just best friends and it cracks away at his heart just a bit more.
"I want to draw for a bit, then will you play in the water with me?" Renjun asks cutely. But of course in Haechan's opinion, everything he does is cute.
"Of course, I'll just lay here and nap." Renjun smiles happily.

By the time Renjun wakes him he has already drawn a few different drawings, he couldn't stop himself.
"Wake up." He says poking his side. Haechan's eyes pop open as he squirms away.
"Meanie." He says with a pout. Renjun stares for a little too long but Haechan doesn't notice, he's too busy trying to wake up.
"Let's go play." Renjun says as he grabs his hands to pull him to his feet. He gets up slowly but immediately starts chasing the smaller to the water. Their laughter is loud contagious. The kids playing just down from them are watching them splash and dunk each other. They are acting like children and it's wonderful. In this moment, without even thinking they have let go of everything. Their minds clear, hearts full, it's only the two of them like it was in the beginning.
After a couple hours of playing and lunch they are in the car heading back. Both are exhausted and extremely happy.
"Remember that time when we were twelve and we saw that kid almost drowned?" Haechan asks with a small smile.
"Of course, Jisung has always been clumsy." Haechan laughs.
"Yeah and Chenle wasn't much better, trying to save him." Now Renjun bursts with laughter. They walk into the coffee shop still giggling.
"His guys." Jeno says winking at Haechan.
"Hi. We had an amazing day at the beach." He says as he walks up to him.
"Good. I hope it works out for you." Jeno whispers.
"Me too."

Cafe 7 Dream (RenHyuck)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن