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This was a long time coming, I have the next one half written but I will not make promises.
Thank you for those of you that stick around for my slow updates.

Jeno has been driving for at least a couple hours now, he thinks, it's been more like five. He had to stop for gas once. He doesn't have a destination, he's just going in circles trying to wrap his head around this new information. Literally everyone in their friend group hated Yuta and were ready to kick his ass at any given moment. He hurt their friend and he would eventually have to pay, or maybe that was all talk, but still, it was said. Mark texted him a while ago and asked if he would share the news with everyone because he wasn't ready to say it out loud or leave Yuta's side. He called Jaemin and told him to have everyone meet at Renjun's, he's spent the rest of the time working up the courage.

When he finally pulls up to his place he's a bit calmer. He walks to his door and knocks quietly, almost too quietly.
"Come in Jen, I'm assuming we are waiting on Mark? Jaemin said you had something important to tell us all." He just smiles stiffly as Renjun lets him pass.
When he walks in he only sees Jaemin, he holds him tightly in his arms and everyone is starting to wonder why he's being like this.
"Jeno, what's going on? You're scaring me." Jaemin says as he rubs his back. He nods and pecks his lips before backing away. Only now Jaemin gets a really good look at his red puffy eyes.

"I took Mark to his place today to get his things, Yuta was there." Frowns form on nearly every face. Jeno doesn't really know how to say it other than to just get it all out at once.
"He uh, he didn't cheat on Mark. He isn't seeing anyone else. He's fucking dying." To say everyone is shocked would be an understatement.
"What? Why? I Don't understand." Renjun says clutching Haechan's arm.
"It's his heart, he was too afraid to tell him, so he just let him believe he was cheating. Mark is with him now, he looks so weak. I just, can't believe this is actually happening." Jeno says quietly as Jaemin wraps his arms around his waist from behind.

"I just don't know what to do? I don't know what to say, you know?" He says and it's apparent to everyone that he's been dealing with this alone for too long. In school Mark was the oldest, the leader, the one they looked to for all the answers. Now they are struggling and need their leader but he needs them more. He knows he's loved, as they all are, deeply by each other but he will surely feel it even more now.
"We will take care of them Jen, don't worry." Chenle says softly.
"What will we do?" Jisung asks with tears welling in his eyes. Chenle pulls him into his chest and rubs his head.
"We definitely need to just be there. Love them, help them with anything. You guys have always done it well with me. When my mom passed and every year after, you make me feel so loved and that's really enough but I also feel like we should do something else too."
Renjun squeezes his hand.

"Ok well here's what we are going to do. Mark is immediately on paid leave, I don't care how long he needs, he will get it. We will have fund raisers for Yuta's medical bills and we will do what ever we can to support them." Renjun says through his tears. Everyone is in agreement.

Renjun hasn't stopped clutching to Haechan since he's heard the news. They didn't even see anyone out.
"Haechanie? Can you like move in with me now? Or like if you don't like my place we can go to yours, or we could even get a new place?" Haechan smiles softly.
"Baby listen, I know this was hard to hear but you don't need to rush this. We are both healthy and we have time." Renjun looks down sadly.
"It's ok, if you Don't want to That's fine I just. Sorry, I'm not trying to rush you." Haechan's giggle is what makes him look up from the floor.
"Renjun, I practically live here anyway. I want to move in with you, I wanted to before we started dating. I just don't want you to be rushed." Renjun kisses his lips softly.
"Let's just do it. Let's make it official, then I don't ever have to let you go. I hate sleeping alone." Haechan keeps eye contact as he leans in and softly presses their lips together. Renjun hums as it deepens.
"I love you and we all thought Yuta had time too. It just got me thinking that you just never know what is going to happen. One of us could get sick, or hit by a car, shot in a robbery? You just never know." Renjun says as he cuddles into Haechan's side again.
"Yes, I'll move in with you but on one condition." He says with his brow quirked.
"Anything." Haechan kisses him on the cheek.
"Stop talking about how we could die. We just got together, we need more time." Renjun smiles softly and pecks his cheek.

When Jeno and Jaemin walk into their apartment it's pretty quiet. Jeno hasn't been up for talking and Jaemin of course respects this.
Jeno goes into the kitchen and starts digging through cupboards, banging pans around so Jaemin checks on him. He has a frying pan and spatula out, all the cupboards are open and he's just leaning against the counter. He walks up and holds his waist from behind.
"Jeno, love. What are you doing?" He asks softly before kissing his neck.
"I just, we need to eat and I was." Jaemin pulls him away from the counter.
"Babe, I ordered pizza. Let's go sit together and cuddle ok? I really need you in my arms right now." He reluctantly nods and follows him to the couch. He sits stiffly at first until Jaemin coaxes him to just let it go.

When he finally does he ends up with his arms around Jaemin's waist and his face buried in his stomach.
"They are our friends, it's too close. I'm devastated at the thought of losing Yuta, I can't even fathom what Mark is going through? How scared Yuta must be? Not to mention how triggering this could be for Haechan." Jaemin hums.
"I'm scared too babe. This is so hard, but all we can do is be there for them and never forget to express how much we love not only each other but them ok? So that no matter what, we will all know." Jeno nods and sits up finally and kisses his lips.
"I love you Jaem, always." He says sweetly. Jaemin smiles and kisses his cheek.
"I love you Jeno, my baby."

They spend the rest of the night just holding each other, that's really all they need in this moment.

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