Harry and Gabrielle's Happily Ever After

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Harry watched as his wife of five years chased their three kids around the park. Five year old Lily James, screamed in joy as she narrowly escaped her mother's reach. She had a mixture of both of their features and personality. She had her mother's hair and had blue eyes like her parents, She was kind and loyal and protective of her family like her parents were. She was extremely protective over her younger siblings.

Albus Sirius Potter was born four years ago on August 27th much to the surprise of his parents. They weren't planning on having another baby especially when all the crazy stuff with Ginny coming back to life and hunting down the death eaters that escaped from the fight at Flint Manor, plus Gabrielle was about to release her first album. Life has other plans for them, though Gabrielle did follow her dreams of touring around the world a few months after Albus was born with Harry, Lily and baby Albus tagged along with her.

Albus look the same way as Lily only the personality was different. Where Lily was outgoing, Albus was a little introvert, where Lily was more bold, Albus was more reserved. Harry was a little worried about him and how his personality will develop but Gabrielle said he'll be fine.

Two years later on September the 15th Genevieve Rose Potter was born. She was the bright light in the Potter family, there wasn't a single Potter that didn't light up when she came into the room. Even Albus lit up when she came in the room, those two have a different bond than the bond they have with Lily. They had an excellent relationship with Lily but the bond that Albus and Genevieve have is something out of this world.

She was the only kid of his that actually looked like him when he was young. She had brunette hair and blue eyes and was the cutest thing.

Harry smiled when Gabrielle got a hold of Genevieve who yelled for Albus and Lily, but she called Albus, Albie and Lily, Lili. He watched as Albus and Lily started ganging up on his wife. He decided that he was going to rescue his wife.

A little while later, they were back home eating dinner, well trying to. Lily kept trying to put her cauliflower on Albus's plate when she thought her parents weren't looking. Albus didn't want to eat his potatoes and was in negotiations with his wife on how much he can eat before he can have some ice cream. He was trying to feed Genevieve mash potatoes but she was more interested in playing with it.

"Albus, eat two more big bites and then you can have a scoop of ice cream." Gabrielle said.

"Two scoops" He said.

"You want two scoops then I want four big bites of mashed potatoes." Gabrielle said making Albus groan.

"Lily James Potter, stop trying to put your cauliflower onto Albus's plate." Harry said not even looking at her. He heard Lily groan.

"Can I go play now?" Lily said.

"Two pieces of cauliflower and two small bites of mashed potatoes."

"No cauliflower!!" She yelled.

"Lily James, do we yell at the table?" Gabrielle asked.

"No mummy" Lily said with a sad face. Gabrielle looked at Harry who gave her a look that said whatever you want.

"Three big bites of your mashed potatoes then you can go play till bath time." She said. Lily smiled before taking the three big bites then jumping down.

"Wait a second, what do we tell you father for cooking dinner?" Lily turned to her father and smiled.

"Thanks Daddy" she said before taking off.

"I ate two big bites" Albus said. Gabrielle moved to check all his usual places where he hides the food he doesn't want to eat. For the first time in a while there was no hidden food.

"Good job, I'll go get your scoop of vanilla ice cream." She said before heading into the kitchen.

After getting the kids in the bath then into their pajamas and into bed. Gabrielle and Harry finally sat back on the couch in the living room to relax. Gabrielle laid down, putting her head on Harry's lap.

"So how did the meeting go?" Harry asked.

"They understood, I have given them five good albums and done two tours and made them more than enough money, it's time for me to retire and enjoy my time with my family while also supporting my husband's dream of becoming an auror."

"What?" He said looking down at her in shock.

"You didn't actually think that I didn't notice you staring at those recruitment pamphlets, did you?"

"I was just looking at them." Harry said.

"Harry, you supported me while I followed my dream now it's my turn. Don't worry about the children cause I can handle it, just promise me one thing."

"What?" He said.

"Promise me that you'll come back to me no matter what." She said with worry in her eyes. Harry leaned down and kissed her before pulling back.

"I promise"

"Good, cause I love you too much to live without you and the kids still need their father."

"I love you too and thank you"

"You're welcome, now take me up to our bed and have your wicked way with me." She smiled at him making him chuckle.

"With pleasure"

That wraps up Harry and Gabrielle's story. One down three to go. Hope you liked it.

Lily James Potter

Albus Sirius Potter

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Albus Sirius Potter

Genevieve Rose Potter

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Genevieve Rose Potter

Genevieve Rose Potter

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