The Wicked Games We Play

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Lorenzo looked over at the woman he just fucked with a nonchalant look. She smiled at him before she started kissing his chest. She wasn't a horrible lay but he didn't want them willing or using him for something. He wanted them screaming in pain and fighting back just like his woman did. Pansy Parkinson was his. She was his the moment he took her and nothing would stop him from taking her and running away.

"So will you help me get my revenge?" She asked. The woman in his bed who sought him out from his hiding place was none other than Astoria Goyle. She had unfinished business with a Mudblood that had married her man and was looking for away to get back at her.

"I have no interest in getting back at a Mudblood." He said.

"Even after all that, even after I promised to help you get Pansy." She said pushing herself up to sit on her leg.

"If you couldn't tell, I'm an outlaw and wanted by both the Italian authorities and the British and we are only two people against a ton of people."

"We can get more, there are a ton of dark wizards and witches that are more than willing to come out of hiding to take revenge on those we sent them into hiding." She said. "It's a win-win situation"

It certainly was he thought as he took a cigar and a lighter from his nightstand. He put the cigar in his mouth before lighting it with the lighter. He took a hit of the cigar before blowing out the smoke.

"If you help me take down the Mudblood, I'll help you and you can fuck me anytime you like." She said.

"What about you husband and child?" He pointed out.

"Their both being taken care of by Millicent Crabbe."

"You may have a tight pussy but the only witch I want is Pansy." He said before taking a hit of his cigar.

"Why, she will never want you like I want you, she-" she said before he slapped her so hard she fell off the bed.

"Shut your filthy mouth" he said. She looked up at him clutching her face

"I don't care if she doesn't, she's mine and only mine."

"Yes sir" Astoria said.

"Now go and find some followers to help us." He said. Astoria got up and gathered her clothes before quickly putting them on. She gave him one last look before she disapparated. Lorenzo's thoughts went back to Pansy like they have since he had first taken her.

A week later, Lorenzo stood in middle of nowhere waiting for the dark witches and wizards that had answered his call. One by one witches and wizards started apparating in front of him and by the time that Astoria showed up as the last one, there was a little over a hundred dark wizards and witches.

"Welcome my dark friends, we all know why we are here so let the planning begin."

"This better be worth it, I have 50,000 quid on my head and I would rather die than go back to Azkaban." A dark wizards said.

"I promise you by the end of this battle everyone will get what they want."

"We've heard that before and now that wizard is dead." A dark witch said.

"Your old master knew nothing of skill or patience but I have a plan to get what I want and take revenge of the people in my way. Now you can scurry off back into your holes or you can be brave and join me in my fight." Lorenzo said. Whispers went around the group before they stopped and one of the dark witches stepped forward.

"I am tired of hiding, I will join you." She said before others joined her.

"Well then, let's begin planning"

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