G.V.Z vs E.F.Z Part Two

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Blaise walked into Ginny's room after fifteen minutes of begging to see his wife. It got to the point where Gio was getting upset and threatened to break down the door to see his daughter. They ended up letting Blaise, Arthur, Molly, Gio and Amelia and Claire in. Blaise immediately went to his wife's side, he picked up her hand and kissed it.

"Hey beautiful" he said before sitting down in a chair next to her bed. "Can you believe they won't let me see the babies? They are running all these test and they must be scared out of their minds wondering where we are."

"If they are anything like their parents they will be just fine till they see you guys." Claire said.

"I just wished she would wake up to worry with me." Blaise said before kissing her hand again.

Ginny wasn't sure where exactly she was. She was in a room with the only exits being stairs in front of her that looked like they go on forever and a doorway that had bright light coming from it. It was so bright that you couldn't see what was on the other side. Everything was pure white except the stairs, those had gold mixed in with the white so that it looked like it had flecks of gold rocks in it. She looked down at herself to see she was wearing a long white flowy dress that stopped at her ankles. She had gold open toe sandals on that remind her of what ancient Romans used to wear. Her hair was down and she had a ring on her finger that she didn't remember putting on.

Why was she here? How did she get here? She tried to think back but it felt like there was something blocking her from remembering. All of a sudden the doorway's light began to fade and an image appeared. She moved closer to see it and gasped as the memories came back hitting her like waves.

"Blaise" she said. Blaise Zabini was sitting beside her body which was in a hospital. She didn't look pregnant anymore.

"My babies!!" She said panicking.

"Don't worry they are fine" A familiar voice said. Ginny whirled around to look at someone she never thought she would ever see again.

"Fred" she said. He was coming down the stairs in an all white suit. Ginny smiled and rushed to meet him at the bottom of the stair. She threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly. Fred chuckled and hugged her back.

"It's nice to see you to little sis"

"I've missed you so much, we've all missed you."

"I know, mom still talks to me" he said as the pulled back to look at each other. "So does Georgie but he wouldn't ever admit it."

"Where are we?" Ginny asked.

"We are in limbo, you aren't alive but you aren't dead either." He said.

"How am I alive and at the same time dead?" She said confused.

"You had a blood clot that your doctor didn't see behind your uhm...uterus and as your babies grew so did it, till couldn't take it anymore and to put it into George and I's word, it blew up." He said. "They of course stopped your bleed but those dumb doctors say they don't know what started the bleeding, anyway, to get back to the point, your body is weak right now so you were put in limbo by our ancestors till your body heals."

"So how am I seeing you if you are dead dead?" She asked.

"Someone had to come down and tell you what was going on or your would have flipped out and made your body have a seizure like you are doing right now." He said looking over her towards the doorway. Ginny whirled around and ran for the doorway to see her body shaking violently and Blaise and her family freaking out.

"How do I stop it?" Ginny said panicking as she saw a doctor and two nurses rush in.

"Give it a second" Fred said making his way over to her. Ginny watched as they held her on her side while she seized before she slowly stopped seizing.

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