What Is Marriage?

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churi_wardah I'm not great with conflict but I hope this was okay.

Things at Ron and Pansy's house weren't all sunshine and daises. Ron and Pansy weren't talking nor sleeping in the same bed. Things had blown out of control and neither knew how to fix it, they both think that they are right and that the other was wrong and every time they try talking about it they end up fighting which makes three month old Mason cry.

Ever since they found out Lorenzo escape and had attacked Lucius they had been arguing about what to do about it. Ron wants to take his wife and son and go into hiding till the aurors find Lorenzo while Pansy wanted to stand and fight. Now they just weren't talking and everyone was sick of it, so they called in the big guns. Molly stepped out of the floor early in the morning to see Ron sleeping on the couch. She pulled out her wand and pointed it at him once she got close enough to him.

"Aguamenti" she said before water sprayed her son in the face. Ron woke up gasping then accidentally fell off the couch with a loud bang. Molly stop the spell before glaring at her son. She looked up to the doorway of the living room when she heard hurried footsteps coming down the stair.

"Ron, are you-" Pansy said when she entered the room. She stopped when she saw Molly standing there.

"Molly, what are you doing here?" Pansy asked.

"Fixing your marriage" she said as Ron stood up.

"At six in the morning?" Ron said grumpily.

"Yes, now both of you go upstairs and get ready for the day then be back down here in a half an hour."

"But-" Ron said before shutting up when his mother glared at him. Ron and Pansy quickly left the room while Molly went over to the bassinet next to the couch where a sleeping Mason was.

"Don't worry little one, Grandma is going to knock some sense into your parents." She said.

A half an hour later, Ron and Pansy sat on a now dry couch while Molly stood over them making them feel like they were children about to be given a scolding, which they definitely were.

"Now I'm going to talk and you two are going to listen, any interruption will not be tolerated, am I clear?" She said. They both nodded before she continued.

"Good, now I know the news of that rapist's escape has rattled you guys but that does not mean you let it come between you. You two should be a united front but instead you are so divided. You can not avoid this anymore, it's not health for either of you or for Mason. So what we are going to do is have a calm conversation about the situation at hand and by the end of it you both will have to agree on a compromise." Pansy hesitantly raised her hand.

"You may speak"

"We have tried that but it ends in yelling and avoiding each other." She said.

"This time it's going to be different because each of you will get a turn to talk and to listen and I won't leave until this is resolved." Molly said. "Pansy is going to talk and you will listen until she is done then you will get a chance to speak."

"Okay" Ron said.

"Go ahead Pansy" Pansy turned to her husband and cleared her throat.

"I don't want to hide because hiding gives him power over me and I will not allow that anymore. If it was the old me, the me that let what happened to her control her life then yes, I would hide and probably never come out of it. But now I'm a mom and I don't want our son to learn that when something scary is happening that hiding is the best option. I want him to stand tall and face his fears no matter what." She said. "I'm not say we should go look for him but that when he does show up to stand and defend ourselves."

"Are you finished?" Molly asked making Pansy nod. "Go ahead Ron"

"I understand why you don't want to hide but for me, losing you is not an option. Just the thought of him getting anywhere near you..." He said before pausing to hold back his emotions. "It would kill me"

"Same here"

"So what is the compromise?" Molly asked making Ron sigh.

"If you promise not to go looking for him then I promise we won't hide." Ron said.

"What about if you let me at least be semi-apart of the manhunt then I will promise to take up Harry's offer to let a few aurors be my bodyguard, but only two." Pansy countered. Ron sighed, shaking his head in disbelief.

"You are so stubborn" he said.

"So are you" his wife replied.

"Counter offer, you can be semi-apart of the manhunt but only paperwork side meaning you can find the location of potential place he could be but aren't allowed to go out into the field and you have to do it at a safe house and you have to have five bodyguards."

"Paperwork side I'll stay on but no safe house I'll do it at the aurors headquarters or at Grimmauld Place, but when they find him I get ten minutes alone with him and three bodyguards."

"I agree with the paperwork side and Grimmauld, but you get five minutes and I'll be joining you just in case and four bodyguards including me."

"I'll agree to five minutes but only if I can get them alone and three bodyguards including you standing outside the room in case something happen which I don't think it will since his wand while be confiscated and he will be chain to the table that's stuck to the floor."

"You are not going to be alone with him!!" Ron said getting upset

"Don't tell me what to do!!" Pansy snapped.

"Stop that at once!!" Molly said in a way that brooked no argument. Ron and Pansy looked at her but said nothing. "A marriage is not one person getting control of the other, it is an equal thing. You were matched for a reason, you both have grown into people who want a partner that won't do the work for you but do that work with you and that is something a marriage is built on. Marriage isn't easy, you have to work on it every day and you two have the qualities as a couple to do that."

"Now, I think what has been say before that little outburst at the end was fair. Pansy will stay off the field but help find location where he could be and once found she can have five minutes alone with him with her bodyguards outside of the room including you Ron."

"I don't want here anywhere-" Ron said before being interrupted.

"Ronald Bilius Weasley!!" Molly yelled. "It is her choice, if confronting home is part of her healing process than you should be supporting her not holding her back."

Mason started to fuss and as Pansy was about to stand to get him, Molly held up a hand to stop her before going over to the bassinet and rocking it ever so gently till Mason went back to sleep. Pansy then turned to Ron and took his hands into hers.

"I need to do this to help me put that horrible chapter of my life away for good." Ron stared at her for what seemed like ages before finally nodding.

"Okay, but I swear if he so much a moves a finger I'm going to beat the wanker up." Pansy smiled before leaning in and kissing him.

"I would expect nothing less." She said against his mouth.

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