My Life Would Suck With Out You

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Pansy set aside the map she was looking at before sighing and standing up. Pansy and her family had been staying at Grimmauld Place for two weeks now while they hunted for Lorenzo. Pansy kept to her word and stayed out of the field and took her bodyguards everywhere she went even though she hated it.

She put up with it for not only Ron but Mason. The apple of his parents eyes was seven months old and always on the move. He had learned to crawl last month and become a pro at it, so much that his parents are often tired keeping up with him. He looked too much like a Weasley but had her green eyes.

Speaking of Mason, Pansy noticed a little red haired baby crawling towards the bed wanting to go under the bed. She quickly ran over to him and picked him up before he could get under there. They hated when he did that cause they were always were afraid he'd hit his head or hurt himself.

"Oh no you don't" she said before heading to where Gabrielle was. Everyone was so proud of her when after a long two months she had won the UK Wizard show The Voice. Everyone that knew her knew that she would but it was nice to be prove right. She won one hundred thousand gallons and a record deal with the top record label in the UK.

She was currently busy with her first album but took a day off to spend time with her family before things got to crazy. She head to Lily James's room on the next floor up where Gabrielle and Lily James were

"I found a runaway" Pansy said making Gabrielle look up.

"He got out again, I thought he would sleep longer"

"What can I say he likes to climb." She said. Gabrielle chuckled.

"Any luck?" She asked.

"There are few places he could be an-" she said before being interrupted by the sound of the alarm blasted through the air. Pansy and Gabrielle's eyes widen when they heard an evil chuckle.

"Pansy, did you really think you could hide from me?" Lorenzo voice said from the first floor. Gabrielle went into action and quickly picked up Lily James and put her in Pansy's arm.

"Go Pansy, go to the ministry and find Harry I'll hold him off." She said.

"No, I'm not leaving you here with him." She said panicked.

"I can handle myself now go and protect our babies." She said as a loud boom came from downstairs. Gabrielle gently pushed her towards the fireplace.

"I'll be back for you once I get the children safe." Pansy said before Gabrielle grabbed some floor powder. Pansy stepped into the fireplace before Gabrielle threw the powder and watched as Pansy disappeared.

"Come out come out wherever you are   my love." Lorenzo said as she heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Gabrielle quickly but quietly left the room, pulling her wand out she looked over the banister to see he was coming up the first floor stair. She pointed her wand at him before yelling stupefy. He flew back down the stairs with a loud thunk.

"Get the hell out of my house you filth." She yelled. She immediately ducked as someone threw a killing curse at her. She sent that death eater through a wall before turning back to Lorenzo. He stood and the duel began.

"Just give up Pansy and I will let you live."

"Go die in a hole you asshole" she said sending a disarming spell towards him which he blocked. She didn't see another person show up till she was knocked back and hit a wall. Pain went through her whole body but she tried to fight it and stand up. She was pushed back down by a foot, they then flipped her onto her back and the same foot pressed down on her throat. She felt her wand being taken as she struggled to breath.

"Now tell me freak, where did Pansy go?" He asked. Gabrielle tried to push his his boot off her throat. He lessened the pressure as she took a breath.

"Fuck yourself" she forced out.

"No thank you, now I'm going to give you one more chance to tell me where she is." He said. She fought back tears not wanting him to see her cry. This was it. She was going to die without ever seeing her daughter grow up.

"I'm not..going to...tell just do it." She forced out.

"As you wish" he said. "Avada-"

"STUPEFY" A familiar voice said. The boot on her throat disappeared as Lorenzo went flying through the air. Gabrielle cough and rolled over to her side. She heard someone disapparate before she felt hands on her.

"Breathe babe" Harry said. After a minute of coughing she was finally able to breathe normally.

"Is she safe, is Pansy safe?" She said as Harry helped her sit up.

"She's fine but I'm worried about you." He said. "Your head is bleeding"

"I'm fine, where's Lily?" She said.

"She's with Pansy and Ron"

"Mr. Potter?" A voice said behind them. They both looked behind them to see one of the Aurors waiting to talk to them.

"What is it Trey?" Harry asked.

"We checked the wards and it seems to be broken." He said.

"How the hell did they break through the wards!!" Harry said pissed.

"We are not sure, they must have been trying chipping away at it for months."

"I want stronger wards out on the house and twenty four hour surveillance around the building." He said.

"Yes sir" he said. Harry turned back to his wife, he was worried that she might have a concussion.

"I'm going to take you to St. Mungos." He said before helping her up.

A hour later after a trip to the hospital, Gabrielle and Harry went back to Grimmauld Place. Harry, after some thought wanted them to move out and into a different house but Gabrielle refused. She didn't want to leave the place where they were growing their family and she didn't want that asshole to win. This was her home and she wasn't going to let it turn into a nightmare.

She definitely has a little bit of a concussion and would have a little bruising on her throat but there were no other serious injuries. She was told to rest and limit her mental and physical activities which means she couldn't work on her album as much as she wanted. Harry had to call her team at the record label and tell them what happened. Thankfully they were very understanding and told them to take her time and heal.

After he got her into bed and left her to rest, he had some of the clean up crew clean the house while he went into his office and cried his eyes out. He almost lost her. When he arrived at the house after Pansy told him what had happened, he saw Lorenzo about to use the killing curse on his wife. If he had arrived a second later....he pulled himself out of those dark thoughts. He couldn't go there. He need to stay strong for his family and to final nail the fucker to the wall.

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