Pansy and Ron's Happily Ever After

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"Come on Daddy, we gonna be late" Five year old Mason said.

"We can't leave your brother or sister." He said picking up. His three year old daughter in one arm and his two year old daughter's carseat.

Things for the Weasley family after the horrible event of almost losing Ginny forever were going very well. After waiting a year for Pansy's career as a dancer really took off, they decided to have another baby. They wanted Mason to grow up with a sibling like Ron did. Mason who looked more like him but had more of his mother's personality was thrilled to be having a little brother or sister

Primrose Ginevra Weasley was born May 9th at two in the morning. She of course looked like a Weasley. She had Molly's curly red hair and her parents green eyes. She had her parents wicked temper but was also the kindest three year old they had ever met. She was perfect to them.

Then about a year later while on a dance tour, Pansy found out she was pregnant with baby number three. Charlotte Gabrielle Weasley came into the world on July 30th a day before Harry's birthday. She was the perfect addition to their family. She had red hair and green eyes like him but her personality was not like her parents. They thought she was more like Hermione, she was extremely clever and logical for a two year old, they differently think she would either be put in Ravenclaw or Gryffindor.

Mason opened the car door for his dad which he was thanked for before Ron put Primrose in the car. He told her to get in her carseat so he can buckle her up when he finishes putting Charlotte in the car. They were on their way to Pansy's dance performance, it was a big event for Pansy, she wss becoming the official partner of Birdstrum Dance Company. She had worked hard to prove she was a good teacher and dancer and the honor couldn't have gone to someone better.

He finished buckling his kids in and closed the door. He still couldn't't believe he let Pansy talk him into doing a dance with her. After what happened at the Flint Manor Ron was in a dark place. He had trouble sleeping with nightmares of killing Lorenzo and his sister dying. He swore he kept seeing Lorenzo anytime he went out in public, so bad ended up dog leaving the house. Pansy finally got him to go to therapy and it was the best thing for him. The therapist diagnosed him with PTSD and got him on the right medication. He's been doing much better now.

He got into the driver's seat before putting his seat belt on and starting the car. He made the long journey to the building the event was being held at. They made it with thirty minutes to spare. His mother was there when he pulled into a parking lot, she was going to watch the kids while he danced.

"Thanks for watching them" he said once he got out of the car.

"Anything for my grandbabies" she said. He was amazed by his mother, she had lost one child and almost lost another one but stayed strong for her family. Ron grabbed the car seat with Charlotte in it while his mother took both Mason and Primrose's hand and began walking to the entrance of the building. When they reached it they were met by his dad.

"There you are, the people in wardrobe have been waiting for you." He said.

"It's been a hell of a morning, I couldn't find Charlotte's favorite pacifier, Prim didn't want to get dressed so I had to basically force her to get dressed." Ron said as Arthur took the car seat from her.

"Pansy left before the kids got up so they weren't happy about that."

"I bet, they adore her" His dad said. A lady came and took Ron away to get ready.

Thirty minutes later, Ron was finally able to see his wife for the first time since she left the house.

"Why did I let you talk me into this again?" He asked. He was panicking just a bit.

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