“Is he..?” You didn’t want to ask the question, so you clamped your teeth shut, taking the bleak gleam in Namjoon’s eye for an answer.

“Go get changed into something warmer,” he dismissed as though you never spoke, “the others are already in the room.” Namjoon picked up your attacker by the front of his coat as if he weighed nothing, slinging him carelessly over his shoulder. You had to remind yourself that he was your lion and a part of your family, trying your best to ignore the shiver of fear that ran down your spine when you took one last glance at the corpse. 

By the time you changed and were following your hybrids through knee high snow, down the extensive hill from the lodge, your finger beds were bitten raw. With everything happening all at once, you were beginning to feel like a pressure cooker that was left on for far too long, fearing the moment one careless action would hit the release button.. and boom.

Your group stopped where your journey had begun, all huddled together at the relatively small airport, looking to you for answers on what to do next while shuffling around each other for warmth. Namjoon, ever the logical one, pushed his phone into your hands when you seemed just as lost as the others.

“I used that GPS thing, but we need a driver,” he explained, pointing to the little red mark that indicates your destination. Where Taehyung and Jimin were possibly being held captive.

You stared blankly at the marker, considering calling the police. But even as the thought arose, you knew they wouldn’t be able to make it as quickly as necessary. Not only were you in the mountains, several miles outside of civilization, the location on the map was even further away from the nearest town. Your group was half way there already, so the only option as far as you were concerned was to start heading that way, call the cops on the way, then get your boys while waiting.

Taking out your own phone, you called the airport, requesting a car to pick you up while the boys paced around or began to hunker down in waiting. Even from the pickup point, you all knew it would at least be a little while before anyone arrived. You stared hopelessly at the thin pole sticking up from the ground, topped with a little yellow sign that said ‘Taxi drop off/Pick up.’ Underneath that read, “up to 30 minutes.” While you prayed that that wouldn't be how long you would have to wait, you knew that sometimes taxis could take their sweet ass time, especially in the evening when local planes weren’t generally running.

Everyone was dead silent while they waited, the weight of whatever situation you were about to walk into evident on everyone’s minds. You also tried your best to not think about the fact Namjoon literally killed a man for you, everything getting too real too quickly. Replaying the last couple of days’ events through your head, you absently chew your bleeding cuticles until someone grabbed your hand, pinning it in theirs. 

It was Jin, the shadow of unsaid words flickering behind his emotion-filled eyes, but you didn’t dare ask. You couldn’t handle anything more, and he must’ve known, because he didn’t volunteer his thoughts either. Instead, he pulled you into a tight hug that only served to make you feel even more grotesque of a person. He was trying to be there for you, but he didn’t know the extent of what you had done.

You thought back to the events leading up to this, things you could have done differently or could have said, you only came to the clear conclusion that you were a curse brought upon your hybrid’s lives. You must have mumbled that part out loud, because Jin’s grip on you tightened to an uncomfortable strength, his response a grate against your frozen ear. “That’s not true. Without you, we would—”

SeVen Uncaged :The Second ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now