5: Ancient Ruins and First Encounter

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Sliver Moon Inn, Linze's Room, Linze's POV. 

I woke up after I slept when the rain started however I noticed that Y/N wasn't knocking. I dismissed it for a while since he must have been asleep. Shortly after cleaning myself up and dressing, I went to Y/N's room and knocked since he told me that he wanted to continue studying. 

Linze: *Knocks at Y/N's door room* "Y/N, Are you there?"

I then saw Big Sis Elze passing by along with Yae. 

Elze: "Linze, What are you doing here?"

Linze: "Um... I-I... I wanted to ask Y/N about something."

Elze: "Let me try."

She then knocked at the door but there was no response. 

Elze: "Hello? Y/N? Are you still asleep?"

Yae: "It appears he is, de gozaru."

Linze: "I guess I'll call him later."

We decided not to wake him up since he must have been tired of everything he did yesterday. From our bond together with Y/N in our studies, He has a unique set of psychological profiles and personality traits, which I found fascinating. His intuition on tactical and strategic things is always spot on and isn't afraid to question something. We both learned from each other as I learned military tactics, strategy, and bits of his culture from the land called "Mandalore" while he learned more about our language, culture, and history of this country. 

Despite his physically imposing body, One of his core personalities is being highly analytical, with the ability to quickly evaluate a situation and formulate a calculated and pragmatic plan of attack that maximizes our chances of success. We slowly developed a deep sense of camaraderie with each other as we trust and rely on each other in combat, understanding the importance of teamwork and coordination in a high-stakes environment. To be able to quickly adapt to any situation and execute plans with precision and skill, He is highly effective in leadership roles, as he uses able to inspire confidence and loyalty by leading by example.

But, Y/N has his own flaws and is a subject of controversial acts. He was a loose cannon and would lash out at opponents at any moment. I remembered very well how he burned a bunch of thugs when Yae angered them by beating up some of their gang and killed the nobles who have done something bad to me and Big Sis. He is highly pragmatic but his cold and amoral approach unsettles people even those like Yae and Big Sis, though I shared some of his traits on certain occasions as I showed no mercy to those who would hurt innocent people. 

 But whenever you need him, he's dependable and brave, and cool. He is aloof to strangers but selfless and compassionate to people close to him, even going out of his way to help others in distress, which aligns perfectly with my values and beliefs.

Belfast Knight 1: "Excuse me, ma'am, We would like to ask a few questions."

I then overheard a conversation with my sister and Yae and I felt something bad was about to happen.

Elze: "What is it? How can we help you?"

Belfast Knight 1: "We are looking for a tall white and blue armored person. He's under arrest for killing a few nobles. Our informants told us that he stays here. Mind checking your establishment?"

Micah and Dolan were rather surprised and nervous as they might get into serious trouble.

Micah: *In nervous tone* "W-well... We haven't seen him for a while now. So I'm not sure if he's..."

Elze: "Hold on! There must be a serious misunderstanding."

Yae: "How can I be so sure that the person did it? If possible, It might have been done in self-defense."

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