2: Unwanted Events and... Reinforcement?

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3rd Person.

Upon entering back into the Silver Moon Inn, Y/N, Static, and the Silhoueska twins sat down at a table and had tea. The clones do have a retractable mouthpiece where a trooper can eat without needing to reveal his face or remove the helmet.

Y/N: "What's your plan after this mess?"

Elze: "We're planning to form a new party group for quests. Since you're strong, We could use the backup."

Static: "Don't you have any members besides you two?"

Linze: "We were about to join them this morning, but they left and went hunting goblins before we got to the meetup. I hope they would be alright."

Static: "...Nope, they are not."

Linze: "Y/N, we should register and start working with a guild."

Elze: "Yeah. I heard that many of the adventurers there often got selected to be full-time adventurers or high positions in the government. Should we take this opportunity to register?"

Linze: "I think it's for the best. Safety first. Let's head out tomorrow. "

The clones heard about guilds before since there are guilds of bounty hunters in the galaxy. These mercenaries and bounty hunters took missions and got very handsome prices for them.

Y/N: "Since I'm also looking for work, I hope you don't mind if I tag along with you."

Elze: "Of course. Let's go together. We'll show you the way as thanks for saving us, right?"

She then looks at Linze, and she nodded in confirmation.

Linze: "Sure thing."

Y/N: "Thanks. But I don't want to overstay your hospitality. "

The clones aren't sure if they can trust these girls. Nor they can work effectively alongside them in future battles. Y/N has gotten used to working with regular clone troopers after the First Battle of Kamino and the Clone Wars taught him that it's not good enough for him to work alone in an unknown territory. After the battle of Atraken, His thoughts changed forever, as he have gotten used to being thrown by strategically inept Jedi to the front lines or often misused by Republic tacticians. The clones can adjust to soldiers or mercenaries with similar technological advances as they do or at least a little more outdated than the contemporary. However, in this case, the clones have to adjust to fighting with people who used magic and ancient weapons.

Scene Change, Town of Reflet, Guild.

Y/N, Elze, Static, and Linze arrived at the guild to register to be adventurers. While both Linze and Elze were looking for the quest request board, Y/N took the liberty of looking around.

The towering and clad hulking white and blue armored clone troopers is a sight that gave uneasiness, even for veteran adventurers present there. He was the tallest and most strongly-built-looking man they have ever seen. Armed to the teeth with dozens of exotic weaponry. Both Static and Y/N seemingly are unconcerned to look at other adventurers as they immediately begin to stand out.

Elze: "Hey, look at this one! It's a high reward for beginners and we just have to kill some.... one-horned wolves.

Linze: "I never heard of those. But it can't be that hard."

Elze: "How does that sound to you?"

Y/N: "Good enough. Let's do it."

Elze: "Alright, unicorn dogs. Here we come!"

Static: "This isn't going to end well."

Scene Change, Outskirts of the Town of Reflet, Y/N POV.

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