It took me a few moments to gather my shaky legs, lock the door, and start my morning routine.

I gasped at the face staring at me from the mirror. I looked...good. I hadn't even washed my face last night, but for once, my skin held a healthy shine and my eyes glowed. Despite the lack of sleep, I was vibrating with a sort of restless energy. long will it last? the small voice inside my head whispered. I could get sick at any time. Not many people understand how it feels to experience your body failing you. Even fewer people had any regard for eczema.

Shit. Focusing on how my condition had sabotaged every single relationship wasn't helping. I pulled a face. Was it weird that I already missed him when he was just outside the door?

I sped up, put on a pair of comfortable yoga pants, snatched one of his hoodies, and went in search of him.

I found Killian in the kitchen, pulling out two bowls, fruit, and a cutting board. He had thrown on a loose sweatshirt that did nothing to hide his muscular frame, making him look big and... comfy. Mhm. 

"Sup, Princess," he drawled, lifting his head.

In an instant, he crossed the space between us, and his hands gripped the counter behind my back, backing me into a corner. Despite the way he bent forward, he still towered over me in a way that made my pulse drum erratically. 

"Sup," I replied, caught between the urge to run and drag him back to his room to repeat what we'd done.

His smile deepened as if he knew exactly how he was affecting me. Damn him. 

"What are you doing?" I cast a nervous glance around, wondering if the others were up yet. "Are you planning on telling everyone?"

"What did you think would happen after you slept with me?" he asked softly, leaning closer. "That I would ignore you?"

"No," I said. "But... Don't make it so obvious."

He sighed deeply. "Whenever I'm with you, it's two steps forward and three steps back. So, what now? You don't want me as your boyfriend?"

I stilled. My heart skipped a beat at the word boyfriend, but my stomach flopped at the same time.

Killian narrowed his eyes at me. "There it is. That look. Panic caught up with ya?"


"Admit it. You're scared, Princess."

"I'm not," I protested weakly.

He leaned closer. "Yes, you are. Every time I get too close, you panic and do the only thing you know, which is push me away like the little hedgehog, you are. Do you think I sleep with just anyone?"

"I mean...people sleep with each other casually, right? It doesn't mean they have to date."

"I don't do friends with benefits or some bullshit like that. The next time you sleep with me you'll be my girlfriend even if I have to make you beg for it."

My body flashed hot; turned on, and embarrassed at the same time "N-next time?"

He nodded. His voice turned low and husky as he said, "No more sleeping around until you agree to be my girlfriend. Judging by last night, you won't hold up for long."

This guy... Did he think he could win me over like this? So, what if last night had been kind of great? I didn't have to sleep with him. Okay, maybe I wanted to, sure, but—argh! I poked his stomach but regretted it almost instantly. His abs tightened under my hand, and I couldn't resist the urge to spread my fingers more. This was unfair.

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