Ch. 15| A Red Panda in the Desert

Start from the beginning

You shrugged, allowing the boy to lead you away. 'I was already staying in Kankuro's workshop... just a different place in the same house I guess...'

In no time at all, you reached your current place of residence. It seemed like Gaara was better at directions then you were, but then again, it was his home after all. You spotted Kankuro out front, throwing a trash bag in a bin.

You waved to him. His eyes widened when he spotted you, along with who you were with. You turned to look at Gaara. "I didn't know you lived with Kankuro, Gaara! He actually employed me in his workshop yesterday."

He glanced at you, but gave no response in reply, only a small squeeze to your hand. You finally reached the door to the house, only to see Kankuro sweating nervously. "Hey, Gaara. Welcome back.... I see you met (Y/N)..."

"Shut up."

Gaara didn't stop for a moment, brushing against his brother to get inside. Kankuro watched as you were being pulled away by him. Slight worry was evident on his face. He didn't know you for long, and he didn't like you all that much honestly, but he definitely didn't wish Gaara upon you.

You looked around curiously while still being pulled. You had only caught a brief glimpse of the main area before being taken to the dinning room on the side earlier. Two staircases outlined the round interior, leading up to a balcony, and then individual rooms.

Soon enough, you were in Gaara's room. You faintly heard Temari call Gaara for dinner, but it sounded like she was shushed by someone. The boy led you all the way up to his bed, before looking over at you. " said you were tired..."

"Isn't this your bed, though?"

"...I don't sleep, I'll be over there..."

He pointed over to a rough looking window seat in the corner. Your brows furrowed together at how uncomfortable it looked. 'Only have so much energy left to nitpick... and I really wanna change my clothes and eat...' With a sigh through your nose, you patted the bed. "Even if you don't sleep, I won't feel right if I took up your whole bed. We can lay here together."

Gaara paused, before shaking his head. Even if you were keeping his demon silent, he still didn't know you. You seemed very nice though. No one had been this nice to him in a while...

You gently smiled at the boy through the darkness of the night. Carefully, you removed the gourde on his back, placing beside the bed. Step by step, you had Gaara laying on the bed as he eyed you the whole time. You slipped in on the other side, happy to have a real bed again.

"Night Gaara..."


"Hmmmm....." You squirmed, curling further into yourself. The sun was shinning too brightly for you to ignore it. So unfortunately, you begrudgingly woke up. You started to wonder which was better, Kankuro's sauna or Gaara's tanning room. Either way, you don't think you could live in Suna. The sun there just had it out for you at this point.

You slowly opened your eyes, almost getting startled again by a familiar woman. She put her index finger to her lips. She then pointed over to Gaara—who was peacefully sleeping next to you—and mouthed a thank you. You got up quickly, hopping to ask her some questions, but she simply fell back into her container. Gaara jumped up immediately after you, looking around for any signs of trouble rapidly.

You grabbed his hand to get his attention, unknowingly calming him down. He looked towards you, "...What scared you?"

"Nothing, just a chill. I'm sorry for waking you, you seemed to be sleeping good," you frowned, slightly cursing yourself for not listening to the woman.

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