Accepting the Offer

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Narrator POV

As the sunrise to bring about the new day, Angie and Azukirius were still out and sleeping. But it wasn't a normal sleep, the two of them were in the astral plane.

And they were both discussing if Angie was going to accept the offer of becoming the next guardian.

In the Astral Plane

"Wow where are we?" Angie questions as she looks around

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"Wow where are we?" Angie questions as she looks around.

"We are in the Astral Plane. In this place we will be able to communicate without causing any harm to your body." Azukirius explains as he reveals his once human self .

"Wait Azu you were human?" Angie questions as she looks at the teen infront of her

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"Wait Azu you were human?" Angie questions as she looks at the teen infront of her.

"Yes Angie I use to be human and I became a guardian but, I ended up doing it for the wrong reasons." Azukirius says as he looks at her with guilt.

"What do you mean you did it for the wrong reasons Azu?" Angie questions in confusion.

"Well after I got to certain level of magic, I got seduced by the power of greed that I did some thing's that I'm not proud of doing.

So as a punishment, the ancient magic transformed me into a crystal. And ever since then I have to take on the forms of knowledge that the guardians ask for.

And for the past few eons I have both served and helped previous guardians. Sadly though everytime we get to the certain level of magic, the guardian is seduced by the power greed.

And then they die at the hands of Obsidianas Oscuras." Azukirius says as he looks away from sadness and more guilt.

"Okay so what you're telling me is that if I were to accept this Guardian of the Universe, there will be a time where I'll be tested and it will decide my fate and your's?" Angie says as she looks at Azu.

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