12 : Breaking Them

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TRIGGER WARNING: The following chapter contains depictions of mental illness. It is meant to realistically depict a personal experience, not to shame. If you or someone you know is experiencing similar behaviors, please seek help from a mental health professional.


My heart flutters and my cheeks warm. I stare into his eyes for a moment, verifying he said the words, that I'm not just high and didn't just imagine he said them.

It shouldn't be a surprise how amazing Gabe is, or that he can make me feel this way with just a few words. My teeth graze my lower lip while I stare at him. I feel the smile tug at my cheeks.

He sits up, still staring at me with that goddamn smile. He leans over me, dropping his hand onto the bench on the other side of my hips. With him finally close to me, my eyes drop to his lips, then back up to his eyes. They look heavy with desire. The same as mine. But he doesn't move.

Every inch of my skin begs to be against him, my body screams for his touch. I pull him closer by the front of his shirt, and with a small breath, his lips catch mine.

His first kiss is gentle, barely more than a nip, yet enough to make me crave him. With a hand behind my head, he pulls me closer, giving the kiss, and our connection, more intensity.

The feeling of his lips on mine makes time stop. When his lips slip from mine, his tongue dips into my mouth. It slides against mine, leaving to suck my lips again.

The more we kiss, the more I melt into him. I pull him closer, run my fingers into his hair, his hand grips my waist, and soon after, my breast. I reach down between his legs and grip what I had been missing. He hums against my lips and I can feel him smile.

The sound of the front door closing grabs my attention. Shit. After a second of hesitation, I push Gabe away. "It's Jamie."

His eyes widen. He turns to sit back just as Jamie walks out onto the balcony.

Jamie's look of surprise causes him to gape, but his mouth closes when his expression drops.

"Hey," Gabe greets him. The tone of his voice makes me feel guilty. We were hiding something. If we weren't, it wouldn't feel this way.

"What's up?" he asks us. "Taking a break from studying?"

"Yeah," I answer his threatening question. "Do you want to join us?" I hold the rest of the blunt out to him.

"No, I have a lot to do tonight." His expression grows colder the longer he stays. "Were you planning to stay all night or ... ?"

He's mad. "No, I can go," Gabe says and stands to leave. "See you next week?" he asks me. Looking my way, I can see his flush.

"Yeah!" I try to diffuse the tenseness by sounding chipper. "Thanks for the help."

He waves and leaves the balcony. Jamie doesn't move until the door closes. "Where are you going?"

" I told you. I have a lot of shit to do." He disappears without looking at me.

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