10 : Learning Them

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I didn't ask Jamie about the video with Gabe. He knew it was there and he knew I would see. It's as black and white as it could be. He's into him.

There are a million reasons why Jamie would like him. Gabe is hot, he's kind, he's good in bed, and apparently, he's not as shy as he seems. Jamie's track record isn't great. He self-sabotages, and it's hard for him to recognize when he has found something good.

There is a line Jamie and I drew years ago. We had been sleeping together—literally and figuratively—for two years when he came out to me. He was in tears, as if he had to tell me something I didn't already know. Jamie loves me, but he's attracted to men. I'm not a man. No matter how good I can make things for him, it will always go against his natural desires. A man will satisfy him more than I ever can, and I will always accept that.

Even if it's Gabe. Especially if it's Gabe.

Jamie has a full schedule lined up, which gave me time to get "acquainted" with his profiles and pin down what his brand wanted to be. He was right. A following is everything in this game. He could sneeze on camera and get eight thousand likes. But, with what I edited today, they'll be seeing him do a lot more than sneeze.

I have to admit, watching the two of them go at it for hours while I edited the video was torture. I thought it would get old after watching the same part over and over, but I had to step away twice just to collect myself. The angle, their compatibility, their amazing bodies ... Woo. Thinking about it now makes my panties sticky.

My phone buzzes on the bed next to me. I look at it, seeing the clock at the same time I see the message. Gabe is here.

My heart flutters nervously in my chest. I text him the gate code and wait for the knock on the door. Two minutes feels like twenty as I pace the front room, then hear the sound. I swing the door open and his smile appears.

"Hey!" I greet him a little too enthusiastically.

"Hey!" he matches my energy like the nice boy he is. His slim, light gray pants and casual white tee make him look like an angel coming to save me from my life of GED-lessness. A backpack hangs from his shoulder and his dark waves into his face. "Ready to study?"

No. "Yeah! Come in."

I close the door behind him and lead him to the table near the kitchen. He sets his backpack on the chair and unzips it.

As I sit, he lays out a series of books and papers in front of us, talking as he goes. "There's a trick to taking the tests. Part of it is knowing the test's format. The rest is getting back into the practice of memorization while taking the tests in order of difficulty for you."

I stare at him. "What?"

He laughs. "Don't worry, I'll show you." He sits in the chair next to me and scoots it even closer. "What's your best subject?"

"Um ..." I pause to think. "I have no idea."

"That's okay." He flashes his megawatt smile. "Let's figure it out."


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