🤍. 21

733 47 15

25th may 2023

Oh god r u guy's this much eager to know what will happen to preeta

I just slept for 2 hours when I woke up saw that you guy's complete the whole target


The moment I walk into the building, I know something's

It's not a noise I hear or something I see. It's a gut feeling. My head tilts to the side, straining for anything out of the ordinary and my eyes dart down each hallway I pass by.


But I can't make the feeling go away. And then I hear it. Faint laughter coming from the end of
the hall where the gym and locker rooms are. My speed in walk picked up, I felt a prickling sensation on the top of my head. I slow down ... I approach to the girls' locker room.

Stepping close, I press my ear against the metal door. After fifteen seconds of not hearing anything, I step back to go check the boys' locker room.

I pause and my head whips back around to the girls' locker room door when a giggle reaches my ears.

Track practice has been over for at least thirty minutes ago , so the locker rooms should be empty now .

I entered the parking lot
from the back and parked behind the school because my classroom is in that section of the building, so I don't know if there are any cars in the parking lot. Unless it's faculty, there shouldn't be.The door's already cracked open, so I push it open the rest of the way.

A feminine moan fills the room, followed closely by deep grunts. Obviously, some teenagers thought they'd have a little fun after practice.(modern sir too)

The thought crosses my mind to leave them to it. It's honestly not surprising to find a couple teens getting handsy in the locker rooms. Hell, I can recall fucking girls quite a few times in this very room when I was in college But as a teacher, I'm required to put a stop to it.(😁🙂)

I pass by a couple of rows in locker room with no sign of the

Grunts and groans echo throughout the room as I check each side .

It's not until I come to the third row before the showers
that I come to a stop when I find the couple. A guy, with his
hands full of a girl's ass, who has her legs wrapped around
his waist, pumps his hips back and forth, his jeans hanging
halfway down his thighs. The girl has her head thrown back
against the locker, her mouth open as she lets out little
cries of pleasure.

The guy's head is buried in the girl's neck, so I can't see his face, but I'm pretty sure the girl's
name is Bhavna.

"Shit,"the guy groans.

"Your pussy is so fucking tight." she moans

"Fuck me harder, Arav."

Hearing his voice and the name leave Bhavna's lips has fire sparking in my blood. My hands clench, and I'm ready to lay into the fucker rutting away at Bhavna. It doesn't matter that she's enjoying what he's doing to her. Just hearing his name and having him in front of me incites my anger.

Each time I see him in the hallways in school, I have to fight back the urge to destroy his ass. Thank fuck that he is in final year and it is almost over and he'll be graduating soon , because
I'm honestly not sure how much longer I can hold off.

With the vein in my temple pounding and the muscles in
my arms twitching, I clear my throat. Bhavna's head cuts
my way, and her eyes widen in surprise. Arav, oblivious to
being caught, keeps slamming his hips forward. Until Bhavna tries to drop her legs from his waist and begins shoving him back that he unlatches his lips from her
neck and scowls down at her.

"What the fuck, Bhavna?"

Seeing her attention is no longer focused on him, he turns his head in the direction she's looking, which is still pointed at me. When his eyes meet mine, the first thing I see in them is fear.

"Shit," he mutters, taking a step back from Bhavna as he frantically begins stuffing his dick back into his jeans. With the space between them now, I see beyond Arav and Bhavna to find another guy and girl several feet away from them.

I can't make out the girl's face because it's cast in shadow, but she's down on her butt, leaning against the lockers. The guy, who I recognize as Dhyan, has one of his hands wrapped in the girl's hair, angling her head as he
smears the head of dick across her closed lips.

Something isn't right about the situation. The girl's body
is too limp to know what's happening to her. It only takes
me seconds to figure out she's not even conscious. When Dhyan forcefully pulls the girl's head back by her hair and presses his dick against her mouth, applying pressure, I get a glimpse of her face and lose my shit.



Hehe I know you all are angry now if you wanna know what will happen next then do vote plzz

Pakka if you then today itself I will update next chap 😁

Plz 35+ vote and 15 comment

With lots of love
Sruthy 😘

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