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23rd march 2023

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Friday evenings, this time of year, are always hectic.

They aren’t as bad as football season, but baseball is the school’s second most popular sport. Our team has been the champions in our district for five years running, and this year, so far, it looks like we’ll be keeping our streak.

Because the games cause a lot of hype, the school board requires at least five staff members to be present.

Unfortunately, it was my turn to volunteer for today’s game. We’re up by seven points in the last inning.

CMS college doesn’t stand a chance of a comeback. The cheers on our side of the field and the usual quietness on the other side indicates both teams know it.

I walk the sidelines of the field, scanning the crowd to make sure everyone is behaving. Thankfully, there haven’t been any issues so far. That could easily change though.

A loud whack sounds, and I watch as the ball sails through the air. It looks like a possible home run, but Mahi, one of our outfielders, jumps and barely manages to catch it before it crosses the fence. The crowd goes wild.

The rest of the game goes by quickly. Once it’s over, both teams line up so they can clap hands with each other as they pass by. Afterward, the coach of the other team talks quietly to his players while our team cheers.

Twenty minutes pass before the crowd starts to disperse. Meaning I can finally go the  home. Students get in their cars and drive off to do whatever teens do after games nowadays, and parents go on about their merry way.

With only a few cars belonging to the coach and the team players left in the parking lot, I head toward the school to pick up a folder I left in my classroom earlier today.

I’d leave it for tomorrow but it’s the weekend, and I need it before Monday.

I can hear the boys in the locker room as I pass by the door, cheering and ribbing each other. It reminds me of my days when I played football. At that age, there’s no better high than when you kick the ass of the opposing team.

I’m just about to round the corner when I come to a halt, hearing voices.

Stop! Get your hands off me. Uhhh chodo muje

I’d know that voice just about anywhere. It’s shamefully starred in quite a few of my dreams lately, along with the delectable body it belongs to.

The hair on the back of my neck prickles at her tearful tone.

I’m tired of you denying me your cunt. I’m taking—”

His words are cut off when I turn the corner and charge toward them. Arav Malhotra, still dressed in his baseball uniform, has Preeta pinned against a set of lockers, her face smashed against the metal.

Seeing his hand shoved down her pants while the other works on the button of her jeans has my vision going red.

Arav” I roar his name.

It only takes me a second to reach them, and when I do, I grab a fistful of his hair and yank him away. His wide eyes meet mine.


His words are shoved down his throat when my fist crunches against his face. I’m a big guy, with big hands, so coupled with his surprise of my appearance and the force behind my punch, he crumples to the floor.

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