
747 61 26

24nd May 2023

🛑 there will be some mistakes ...


Another day goes by without seeing or hearing from
Karan .

I didn't really expect to, but I can't help the emptiness it brings as I walk out the doors of the school.

It's kind of crazy with how much I miss seeing his handsome face. We've only known each other a little over a month, and only a few of those days we were... more than teacher and student.

It's strange to think how much a person can feel in such a short time for someone they don't really know. The only thing I know about Karan is that he's an English teacher and he's handy enough to remodel his own house. That's it. Oh, and he can make my body do things I never knew were possible.😞

I want to know more. I want to know everything there is
to know about Karan .
Does he have family nearby and is he close to them?

What kind of movies is he into? Since he teaches English,
my guess would be he likes to read. What's one place he
wishes he could travel to? His favorite foods? Favorite music?

There are so many things I want to ask him, but I can't. Aranya and I have grown closer over the last few days. I grill her at school and on the phone, asking if she's seen Karan. With her brother being friends with him, they have
to hang out sometimes, right?

According to her, they
haven't. And Karan hasn't been home either, so even if I
could sneak away, it would be a wasted effort because he's
not there. As I walk across the parking lot, I dig in my purse for my keys. Not finding them in the usual spot, I stop and dig deeper, then frown when I come up empty.

This morning when I locked my car was the last place I saw them. A thought pops in my head, and I swing back around to the school. While I was changing into my track uniform for practice, I knocked my purse over. Several
things fell out. I thought I grabbed everything, but my keys
must have slipped by my notice.

The halls are quiet, except for the squeak of my shoes against the linoleum. The sound is eerie as it echoes off the walls. Since the night Karan rescued me from Arav, I've been leery being here after school when the halls are
empty of students and faculty.

Thankfully, Arav hasn't
given me any more trouble. In fact, he seems to be avoiding
me at all costs. Other than the classes we share and spotting him across the lunch room a few times, I haven't seen or heard from him. Which is just the way I like it. I don't know how far he would have gone that night, but I
like to think he would have stopped before it got out of
hand. Of course, that could be the naïve girl in me. Grateful that the parking lot was empty and everyone from practice seemed to have already left, I push open the door to the girls' locker room.

I head straight for my locker.

Looking around the benches, I don't find my keys.
They must have fallen under a locker. Just as I bend my
knees to get down on the floor to look, a noise has me straightening and cocking my head to the side. I listen harder.

It sounds like a.... like a soft moan. Not a painful one, butone of pleasure. Embarrassment hits my cheeks, and in my haste to find my keys, my cell phone slips from my pocket and clatters to the floor.

I wince and dart my eyes around, knowing there's no way whoever is in the back of the room didn't hear it. The moaning stops, and for a moment, I debate just leaving my keys behind and quickly leaving the room. I'm sure I could call someone to come get me.

Shaking my head at the ridiculous thought, I drop to my
knees and frantically look for my keys, hoping I find them
before they come to investigate what made the noise.

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