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"What in the fuck is this?"

Hearing a  loud booming shout has me dropping Preeta back to
the bed,  I quickly  took my shirt   and cover her body . I never get the chance to see who it is because the next thing I know, I’m pulled off from preeta  .. I quickly  held a blanket before  I could wear it ....there’s a fist planted in my face..

Preeta’s cry of surprise barely reaches my ears as stars
dance in my vision.

I’m going to kill you, you motherfucker!”

I shake my head, trying to clear the fog the hit caused. I
look over and find Rakesh Arora  standing a foot from the
bed with a woman frantically trying to hold him back.....Shit.!

Getting to my feet in all my naked glory,  I Covered my half portion with blanket.... then I lift my hand
and rub the back of it over my lip, swiping away the blood
trickling down.

Rakesh, aap mera...—”

I don’t get the chance to finish my sentence before Rakesh ’s fist connects with my face again. Pain explodes in my eye, and I barely stay on my feet. Fuck but he throws a hard ass punch.

Pappa! Stop it!” Preeta shouts.

In my peripheral vision, I
see her wrapping the shirt which I throw at her around her chest, buttoning it .

Let us explain.” she continued

Rakesh barks out a laugh. The woman beside him, who I’m
guessing is Preeta’s mother, tries to stand in front of him to
get his attention. He grabs her wrist and forcefully sets her
behind him.

Explain?” The veins in his neck bulge out.

"Maine Joe bhi kuch dheeka... uska bath explain karne ke liye kuch nahi hai .... Preeta!,” he

It was pretty fucking clear your teacher,” he grates the word,

Was just rutting away between your thighs, and you were fucking letting him!”

Rakesh!”Preeta ’s mother gasps his name at the same time
Preeta sucks in a sharp breath.

I deserve every punch Rakesh wants to throw at me. He
has every right to be angry. This is my fault. I defiled his
daughter ......his barely legal daughter. I’ll stand here and
take whatever he wants to dish out, so long as it’s pointed
at me.

What I won’t do is listen to him say nasty shit about his daughter.I plant my feet apart, bracing for when the next hit
comes, and grind out between clenched teeth,

Do whatever the fuck you want to me, but I’d advise you to
watch what you say about Preeta.”I said to him

The muscles in his arms bunch as he flexes his fists.

She’s my fucking daughter,” he growls.

I’ll say what the hell I want to say about her.” he continued

So long as you don’t disrespect her,” I growl back.

And what you just did to her? That was respectful?”

He takes a step forward, despite Preeta ’s mother trying to hold
him back.

Get the fuck out of my house. The only thing keeping me from killing you is my daughter and wife being in the room.”

I don’t move for a moment, just stand there and glare at him, . I don’t want to leave Preeta with her father this angry. Not
because I think he’ll hurt her, not physically anyway. But
words can be just as painful as a fist.

I’ve always prided myself on my ability to judge people. Rakesh Arora  isn’t the abusive type. But in the heat of things during a stressful situation, words can be said we can’t take back. I don’t
want Preeta to have to face this alone.

I feel her behind me. Her despair comes off her in painful waves, searing my skin. I want nothing more than to turn around and gather her in my arms. To tell her
everything will be okay. But I don’t know if it will be okay.
As much as I hate thinking about it, I knew what we have is
temporary, but I thought we’d have more time.

Hating myself for leaving Preeta like this, I grab my jeans
from the floor and put them on. Rakesh stands several feet
away, not taking his eyes off me the whole time I get dressed. I grab my shoes and socks, not taking the time to put them on.

Taking a chance of soliciting Rakesh’s anger and not giving
a shit, I turn to face Preeta. She’s sitting on her heels with
the shirt  wrapped protectively around her. It coversevery part of her body except for her head and legs.  Her face is blotchy, her eyes swollen, and tears roll down her cheeks.

I’m sorry.” I keep my voice low.

Everything will be okay.”

I have no fucking clue how it will be, but I’ll make damn sure it’s okay.

Her bottom lip wobbles, and it takes herculean effort to
not go to her.

I’m sorry too,” she whispers in a broken voice.

She has no reason to be sorry. This is my doing. I knew
better, but I gave into temptation. My only regret is that Preeta was hurt.

I turn away from her and make my way across the room
to the door, not sparing Rakesh or his wife a glance.

Just before I walk over the threshold, Rakesh gives his parting shot.

“Give your career goodbye, Mr Karan  luthra. I’ll make it  damn sure that  you never step foot in another school. And if I see you
around my daughter again, I won’t give a fuck if my wife or
Preeta are there. I will kill you.”

I don’t give a damn about my career. The school board can shove it up their ass for all I care. And I’m not particularly scared of his threats.

No. What has my heart splintering down the middle as I
leave the house, is losing something precious that I know
could have lasted a lifetime


Ok that's all for today .......

Was it a last meeting of Preeran..... will they meet again ? .. uhh I don't know.. what will happen next .???

1000+ words

Target is still incomplete of last chapter
For next one 35+ votes
With lots of love

At That Moment ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon