We entered the alley, Mcgonagall holding my hand to keep me from getting lost in the crowds of people or at least that was what we'd say if we were asked.

In honesty though we both agreed that it was to keep me from running up to every store to gush over everything I was witnessing.

"We have to first go convert your muggle money to galleons." She said leading me through the streets.

"Before you ask.
Galleons are the wizarding currency.
We are gonna convert it at Gringotts which is the wizarding bank.
It's built in such a way that even with magic it's impossible to rob from it." She continued clearly done with my mischief.

Although if you squinted hard enough you would have been able to notice the small smile on her face that suggested that she may not have found me as much of a bother.

"Sure," I say clearly more invested in my surroundings than her words.

She then takes out three coins from a pouch hidden under her cloak and stops us from walking to show them to me.

"The gold one is a galleon, the silver one's a sickle and the bronze one's a k-nut. 29 k-nuts are a sickle and 17 sickle are a galleon. Any questions?" She asked turning to me and giving me a better look at the coins.

I stare at her in shock.

1) I refuse to spell K-nut the way it's spelled on the engraving on the coin.

It will forever be K-nut to me instead of Knut.

2) I don't see a math book on the list...

Do they have a math spell?

Or maybe a math potion.

I could imagine an advertisement already.


If that wasn't it then these people need a new government or something because mathing must be such a pain...

She puts away the coins and looks away from me now sure I have no questions and begins leading again.

I simply follow, silenced by the horror of needing to learn 29 tables.

Soon we reached a snowy white building that towered over the other little shops.

It had burnished bronze doors that stood out against the white background.

Next to the door was a creature of about my height.

It looked old and wise but not happy.

I couldn't tell if it was mad or sad or something else entirely but what I could tell was that it was not happy.

I looked up to Mcgonagoll about to ask her about the creature but before I asked her, almost as if she read my mind, she responded, "That's a goblin. They're the creatures that run Gringotts."

I nodded and we continued to move.

As we walked inside the goblin bowed almost respectfully but not necessarily.

Inside was a second pair of doors, silver this time, with words engraved on them, it read:

Enter, stranger, but take heed
Of what awaits the sin of greed,
For those who take, but do not earn,
Must pay most dearly in their turn.
So if you seek beneath our floors
A treasure that was never yours,
Thief, you have been warned, beware
Of finding more than treasure there.

A Hidden World (Hogwarts X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now