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-God, who knew drinking would lead to a hangover
-*pfft, as if you didn't know that.*
-oh shut-

slowly lifting herself off the floor, she presses her back against whatever had been behind her. sadly it was nothing, and in the end, she falls back, accidentally hitting her head against what she was originally trying to press against.

-*you good?*

shimming properly over, y/n relaxes and takes a deep breath, opening her eyes to see what's going on around her.

4 glasses sit on the table, one knocked and teetering over the edge of the table and both bottles are empty. however much better placed than the fragile glass was.

chains had been relaxing on the couch, in a sitting position by the farthest armrest, the blanket still over him and a hand around Dallas who had been laying his head in the patient's lap.

both snore peacefully away, a moment of calm between the two.

wolf had been just kinda slammed down on the couch. He was lying there like he was hurt the first time. tho this time much more relaxed and it was evident. His pained sleep was almost grim to look at on the first night here, now his face smooth, calmed.

The initial headache had slowly subsided as I paid more attention to my surroundings, looking around at the items and how messy the place was, surprisingly not too bad in comparison to what I expected. definitely had worse places I stayed and messes made

-ugh, who else Is up?
-*only Hoxton. the others have been out all night*
-Nice, where he at

This voice comes through the haze I had and I lift myself, slowly stretching to try and get a move on.

barely 10 minutes later I am packing the fragile drinks and bringing them upstairs. it worth tidying up after something like that and just as a precaution so i don't break anything

I eventually enter the kitchen territory and look over to see Hoxton, head against the table and a normal cup in hand.

-do you not have a headache?
-Only slight, I ain't one to have headaches after drinking.
-You need some painkillers?
-would be great.

placing the glasses by the sink. I rummage through a cabinet I had closeby. soon pulling out a box, I pick out a pill and go after a cup.

-You had anything to eat?
-no, just been trying to drink away my sleep with caffeine
-mm, you need something.

taking my hand back, I instead make a quick sandwich, just some bread and cheese. Now placing a plate in front of him, I also drop the tablet close along with the water.

-it's always better to take it on with something, even a bit of food.

moving back round to clean the dishes I now had piled, I don't listen much to anything. Eventually, after finishing what little there was, I picked some food for myself, opening the fridge. I opted for the first thing I saw and after eating in silence along with Hoxton who finally took the pill with an empty plate and glass next to him, I took a trip back downstairs to take care of the others.

-Well, I am going to get a bit of work done. Once the others wake, you can do whatever. tell me if you need anything

After finishing and tidying enough to not look like a pigsty, I walk into my small secluded office. I still had a couple things to do, so sitting down, I got corrupted on call and we started talking.

We talk openly. He disconnects from the external loudspeakers and only I really hear him, though I wouldn't be shocked if our loud talking had woken the others.

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