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multiple people sat around a table and were discussing some modifications. there was a site, and everyone in said room had gone to extreme lengths to keep it hidden.

No one other than those blessed by an access code and specific guidance were able to enter the site and it always took diligent research by all board members to accept someone...

Because of this, very very very few people had cases where they could take control of something, and those who did never complained.

The site wasn't even made fully, only having the major brush strokes laid out on the canvas and not a single speck of detail other than the finer lines of the sketch still shining through.

So now they all sat round. How would they put this place together?

How to make the site every criminal had ever demanded for?

It would have to include everything, connection, a map, and a way for only certain people to contact.

It was so sophisticated that they had to be careful with who they allowed onto their board of members, that's why most were the college and school friends who would often joke about this stuff...

The jokes had done something and eventually, it became serious, willing to truly get into it all and make something to fill the power vacuum that hadn't really affected anyone.

So now, voices and sounds bounce around the room, getting taken fully by everyone as no idea was terrible in anyone's eyes.

- we need a secure communication method, that would-
-how about a local search? Hackers don't-
-timers, we need an updater for shops because-

It just kept going, all around in circles as each put down ideas and noted down what they believed to be the best interactive site.

The new crime.net.

It had been an idea on everyone's mind and once one tiny voice had interest in making it, anyone in an earshot jumped on the idea as mostly a joke...this soon evolved into a machine that would be a mix of planning, creating and pulling it all together, and soon when there were assumptions of backstabbing or info leak, the threat was quickly eliminated.

After the first member had voiced his requests to leave, the team had first shrugged him off and said it was his choice.

But once they found information was stolen and a large chunk of code needed re-writing, there was the first shed of blood.

This had set a dangerous precedent, anyone who defied the group would be killed...would be silenced.

If this truly was meant to be a big deal as everyone dreamed, they needed it to be ready before anyone on the outside would even know.

now with the college group becoming older and starting to indulge themselves too much in this business, they realised they didn't know a world outside of this small project. outside of a small company making a site that no one outside, apart from a select few, would know about.

some had come and gone. it was always the quiet ones that got anywhere, and those who kept their mouths shut would be able to live on outside of the small company before and after their events with the group of crime.net creators.

as years passed, it started coming together. Small parts sometimes took months to sort out in secret, some connections had been manipulated into their hands while others took brute force only a couple were able to accomplish.

Eventually, as the site had gone live, now ready for personnel to join and set up their new storefronts, each member of the team had disappeared.

one by one, with no explanation, people no longer were coming in, their bodies were lost to time and not a single explanation was given.

the people themselves had been almost wiped from records so their disappearance hadn't been registered, no missing or death date, and no search in fear of exposure to the site.

and almost as quickly as it came, the group disappeared.

the site had been published and before anyone could do anything, the team had vanished without the place being shut down.

now with rooms worth of servers, all actively running on the unlimited money poured into it by the different sources, it would take quite some time before anyone would find it...well...apart from those left with access...and that would only be one ambition member who had not known any better.

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