31 1 1

laying on the hotel bed, I look up to the ceiling. my phone is beside me on Speeker but it's oddly quiet.

-so, what do we do?
-*what do you want to do?*
-I don't know

throwing both arms up and to my face, I give myself a second to think.

-I had been dreaming about this moment for ages and now it's finally happened, and I can't decide what to do.

so many ideas racked my mind. do I continue my line of work without her? do me and James split our separate directions?

do we stop being criminals and get back to normal life?

-*if you are thinking about me, I got ideas of what I want to do. but I am still willing to follow your lead with whatever you want to do*

that brought slight comfort, at least he was with me until I died or "let him go" like a fucking employee.

-like, I want to go back to fucking people over, but there is no gain from it any more
-*you still have that huge list of people you got contacts from. they are still looking for your connection to crime.net.*
-oh yea...that...

it felt kinda scummy to leave them like that and I did plan on going through with the offer. I just couldn't find the time corruption and I could get to work with it.

-*I know. what If we headed back to dc? the place with huge activity? we set up a permanent place and we try replicating the design there, onto the world? eh?*
-I mean, that seems like a decent idea.
-*I will be in a constant place and I can get to work?*
-yea...let's go.
-*aight, I can get the tickets set.*

flicking my body up, I shimmy out the bed and towards my table, I still had to pack my stuff

as I pack my essentials, trusty laptop, mask and the little weapons I had on hand...I figured I would need some time before heading back to dc.

-hold on, I need to go back, have some time to myself and experience everything without the stress
-*yea..yea that would be a good idea...how long were you planning?*

placing the limited snacks I did still have from the days I were here, I smile... why not do everything now?

-how long does it take to travel the world?

<time skip>

the world has a dark tint, the shadow looming over me and leaving me blind from the world. small drops of liquid drip from all parts of exposed skin and I keep a steady breath under it all.

-*it's nice spending the money, isn't it?*
-for real. God, and all this because Rosaline is gone.

bringing the glass to my lips, I take a sip and once again relax into the chair. the sun barrels down and gives me warmth nothing else really could.

the calming ocean waves splash me ever so slightly as I relax, the same day repeating a couple of times already that it had become routine.

-*When you planning on heading back?*
-sometime soon, I want to get to work...been keeping my contacts in the dark long enough...
-*that's fair.*

as I close my eyes again, I let my mind wander over my body, the skin tingling as I take notice of every thread touching, the soft sand leaving a trailing that fills me with a sense of calm.

its nice...it really is...

<time skip>

walking through the streets, I hold my bag loosely. I had no reason to cling to it, it was a wholesome place, not one with a lot of crime.

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