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-so what are we gonna say?

having heard Bain's constant complaining about the girl and how she seems to always be taking jobs around the place, Dallas had decided to sit down with Bain on the phone and figure out this message.

-we could drop hints, get her to go on a treasure hunt to find us?
-that isn't going to work.

with the place quiet, it defiantly shook Dallas up when he hears the door open and a voice grazes his ears

looking up, he spots Hoxton coming down the steps. he isn't in the best shape but it's barely noticeable.

-what do you mean
-it may have been a minute, but I did see her and I strongly dought she is going to follow some breadcrumbs. just make it a location and time. if she comes then your good, if not then find places she visits often and have it act like a "pass by and see us"
-and how do you know so much?

he takes a second to think up of an answer, as Dallas is about to tease the brother of his for seeming to be able to read someone so well, Hoxton shoots back with a response.

-I never said I knew best, I am just saying that it might work better than laying out details so fine no one will see them
-you're not wrong.

Hoxton huffs some words under his breath and takes off his blazer.

having just come from cleaning the entire payday case file from some random computer, he is finally home and can relax.

so throwing the fabric onto the boxes, he walks off into the base to take a breather. This leaves Dallas and Bain once again alone. Using Hoxtons words, Bain had already been thinking up locations he could use, Dallas however was seeing some confidence in Hoxton he hadn't noticed before.

maybe it was brotherly instincts or he was not used to him, he doesn't know, but there was something.

-ok, so how about-

Dallas is pulled away from his thoughts as the friendly voice once again fills his mind, soon allowing him to look down at the paper and figure out what to write.

<time skip>

the thrill of the chase was always on her mind. having controlled her less-than-desirable addictions, she focused once again on small trips to the occasional shops or other places.

now walking home from a trade and all while hauling a bag of loot as a thanks, y/n hummed tunes that reverberated in her ears.

a shuffled playlist by the one and only corruption had given her the best feelings while listening. and with the constant switch-up, it made the music even more fun.

Finally ending up back home, y/n wanders in and drops the bag with a huff.

-so, what now?
-*free day? this is dc so you could do quite a bit.*
-yea that's true.

as I haul my bag downstairs and drop it not too far from the small server set-up I had. I get on a proper call with corruption, deciding I should do some work first.

holding my hand over the cold glass door, I push it to the side and walk in on soft feet. soon sitting down in front of my computer and turning everything on.

I think it might be time to get something more than a mear laptop, corruption could help but I just haven't found the will to do anything right now.

the constant screech falls from my ears as an eery silence keeps me at bay, my computer is the only thing in my eyes and focusing all I have, I try finishing the work I had in front of me.

by the time I have to turn on my desk lamp, I realise some time had passed and I needed to do something physical. can't have my body dying on me

Getting up and stretching my strained muscles, I shake myself up and head for the front door

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