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With your lungs almost running dry, you keep pushing yourself. This is what you trained while you were in school, you can push a bit more.

A tense voice echoes into your ear and you hone in on it immediately.

-*she turned left...*

Keeping yourself agile, you wait for the command.



Flipping your entire body, you swerve and face your left, soon bolting forward again and towards your destination.

You enter a footpath you didn't even know about, it would have ended real bad if you had missed it. God knows where she could be by that point.

-*I saw she went onto the main road, follow the right side and you should see her again.*

Following the directions as best you could, you run out the path and with a quick glance either side, you spot the familiar figure running. Now with the target clear in site, you run towards it.

As you focus more on the personnel and try to decide where she could go next, you start falling into your mind.

-god, and I perceived her as a friend
-*now is not the time to reminisce, she is too far ahead. I think I know a shortcut.*

Clicking of a keyboard emanates from your right earpiece, but you keep running.

-*ok, I found a route*

With each line given to you like a command, you follow it as best you can and soon enough, he is right, you end up tailing the girl mere centimetres behind her.

-*that's my job*

The surroundings soon change, from road and house to footpath and chain link fence. And if your mental map served you correctly, she had been approaching the sea...but what would she want out here.

Minutes pass, your legs are strained but you know you can't stop now.

As the target parkours over a wall, you follow a bit behind, Eventually hearing through the earpiece what this place is.

-*the docks?...but why here, she catching a boat?*
-public or private?
-*this place doesn't have a hold for private, it's a common boat harbour for tourists.*
-oh no she won't.

Now it was real go time, she couldn't lose her again, too many times had this woman fallen from her grasp and this was her last lead before she inevitably ends up round the next town...or worse, next country.

Past security and any obstacle, the cat and mouse chase is hot. And soon enough, the end is in sight.

A boat had been stationed and watching in awe, the target makes a jump for it...for the boat. And with such ease, she makes it, a leap across a body of water most would be too scared to even look down at, and with precision, she manages to fling her entire body over the end and into the body of the ship.

Being only a few steps behind, there is hope she can make it too. And so, with full force, she pushes off the floor and reaches out... There was no hope she could make a proper full jump, so hopes were high she could at least latch onto the end, pull herself up and continue the chase now on a secluded plain.

But all hopes were dashed as she misses the edge of the ship, and gravity takes it from there.

The ship's colours pass by like a rainbow would, colours spread out and each making its appearance.




Contacting the rough water, there is a blossom of pain as her chest erupts with anger from the sudden force, and with the little strength she has left, she hauls herself to the underside of the doc, pulling herself to the side and onto dry land.

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