twenty-one - seattle

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With Max walking beside Sunny and Hazel, Hazel finally finds a place for her to rest.

After days of no sleep, she finally hops off of Sunny before setting up camp in a place she deems secure enough.

"Alright, Sunny, Max, no infected. We should be safe," Hazel says as she sits down a against a tree. "And actually, we should be in Seattle. I think. Hard to tell."

She sighs, her eyes fixing on the stars above her, "it's just us now." Max climbs onto her lap as Hazel begins to pet his head, "I remember when I would be doing shit like this with Shamsi, Derrick, and Anderson. But they're all dead now. Granted, it is my fault. But anyway. I wonder how Ellie is doing? I wonder if I'll see her. Fuck, I hope not. Actually, yes I do. Because then I can really tell her off and maybe I don't know... hit her or something. I'm just... I'm so angry."

Hazel looks around at the two animals near her and realizes she was just ranting to them like a crazy person. "Fucking hell. I've lost it."

Hazel lets out a hollow laugh, the sound echoing through the stillness of the night. The weight of her words hangs heavy in the air as she grapples with her conflicting emotions. She strokes Max's fur absentmindedly, finding solace in his comforting presence.

"I guess I really have lost it, talking to you two like you can understand me," Hazel mutters, a hint of self-deprecation in her voice. "But hey, it's better than bottling it all up, right?"

Sunny nuzzles against her, as if sensing her distress. Hazel rests her hand on the horse's muzzle, taking comfort in the warmth and familiarity of the gesture.

Leaning back against the tree trunk, Hazel gazes up at the night sky, the twinkling stars offering a brief respite from the darkness that surrounds her. She contemplates the path that has led her here, the choices she has made, and the consequences she now bears.

Her thoughts drift to Ellie, the anger simmering within her chest. The hurt and betrayal intertwine with her desire for retribution, creating a tangled web of emotions. She longs for a confrontation, a chance to confront Ellie and let loose the torrent of emotions that have been building within her.

"I mean fuck. I can't believe she would really think I'd help kill Joel. Joel practically saved me and he gave Shamsi and Anderson graves. Why would I kill him? And to assume that I wouldn't want Abby dead just because I happened to know her a few years ago," Hazel scoffs, "I of all people get the whole revenge plot thing. I mean, hello, I dedicated my entire life to killing Derrick at one point. But I of all people also know that in the long run, killing someone who has wronged you in that way won't help. And sometimes it can make it worse." She sighs in frustration, "I really needed to get that out."

As the crackling campfire casts dancing shadows around her, Hazel takes a deep breath, attempting to steady her racing thoughts. The weight of her anger is burdensome, threatening to consume her. She knows she needs to find a way to channel it, to transform it into something constructive.

"I need to find a way to let go of this anger," she murmurs, her words tinged with determination.

Hazel's gaze shifts to Max and Sunny, the quiet companions who have stood faithfully by her side.

She closes her eyes, taking a moment to appreciate the silence of the night, the gentle rustle of leaves, and the warmth of the fire against her skin. In this fleeting moment of respite, she allows herself to believe that there might be a chance for redemption, for forgiveness, and for a new beginning.

"Tomorrow," Hazel whispers, her voice filled with a mix of weariness and renewed determination. "Tomorrow, we'll face whatever Seattle throws at us. And maybe, just maybe, we'll find a way to make things right."

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