twenty - mistakes

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two weeks later

Two weeks later, Ellie and Dina continue their search for Abby and her friends, riding on horseback through rugged terrain. The weight of their mission hangs heavy in the air as they ride together on Shimmer, their determination etched on their faces.

Curiosity getting the better of her, Dina says to Ellie, her voice laced with persistence. "Ellie, I've been meaning to ask... What happened with Hazel? You've been avoiding the topic for weeks, but I need to know."

Ellie lets out a sigh, realizing that she can no longer brush off Dina's inquiries. They have been through so much together, and Dina deserves to know the truth. She slows Shimmer to a stop, turning to face Dina.

"Hazel... she betrayed us.... she betrayed me," Ellie confesses, her voice filled with a mix of anger and hurt. "She knew Abby and her friends, and she helped them kill Joel."

Dina's eyes widen in disbelief, her voice trembling with shock. "What? How do you know this?"

Ellie hesitates for a moment, then meets Dina's gaze. "Hazel told me. She admitted it. She said she was friends with Abby."

Dina scoffs, a hint of disbelief in her voice. "Ellie, that's a big accusation. Are you sure you're not jumping to conclusions?"

Ellie's frustration mounts as she feels her own anger bubbling up. "Dina, I confronted her multiple times. She admitted it herself. She was there when they tortured Joel, and she did nothing to stop it."

Dina's face softens, concern replacing her initial skepticism. "Ellie, remember how supportive Hazel was after Joel's death? She comforted you when you needed it most. She was grieving too. It's incredibly selfish to shut her out and blame her for something she definitely had nothing to do with."

The weight of Dina's words hits Ellie hard. She hadn't considered the perspective that Dina now presents. She remembers the comfort and support Hazel had offered her during those dark days, despite her own pain and grief.

Tears well up in Ellie's eyes as she realizes the extent of her own self-righteousness and how she had pushed away someone who cared for her deeply. "You're right, Dina. I... I didn't think about how Hazel was feeling. I shut her out without giving her a chance to explain."

Dina reaches out, gently touching Ellie's arm. "We're all dealing with loss and pain in our own ways. It's important to remember that and not let anger blind us."

Ellie nods, her voice filled with regret. "I need to find her. I have to apologize."

Dina smiles, a mixture of understanding and relief on her face. "And how are we gonna find her?"

"Uh... I don't know," Ellie admits. "Just give me time to think."

- 6 years earlier

Hazel, a spirited 12-year-old, and Abby, a confident 14-year-old, are running through a dense forest, sunlight streaming through the leaves overhead. They're engaged in a lively game of tag, their laughter echoing through the trees.

Hazel, known for her agility, easily catches up to Abby, tagging her shoulder before darting away with a mischievous grin. "You're too slow, Abby!" she calls out, her voice filled with playful taunting.

Abby, not one to back down, starts chasing after Hazel, determination in her eyes. "Just you wait, Hazel! I'll catch you!" she shouts, laughter bubbling up from deep within.

As they continue their playful pursuit, their bond of friendship shines brightly. The years of shared memories and adventures have created a deep connection between them. They've always been each other's support and confidantes.

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