Flashback three

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(It's the Day of the mafia ball In which her and her brother would be introduced as a new Italian, Don and Donna, while she would be introduced as the new Chinese mafia Donna along with it)

It was the day of the mafia ball in which her and her brother would be announced as the new Don and Donna of the Italian mafia while she would also introduced as the new  Chinese Donna, and that her uncle would be retiring. Hope with nervous to say the least that she was going to be the new Donna of them off here and we're going beside her brother. Hope was sitting in her room at the make up area.Hope was putting on her make up while her grandmother was picking out what hairstyle she would wear for the ball. She had hairdressers in her room along with some make up Artis over to help her to get her make up perfect. 

Hope make up team an hour to finish up, putting on her, make up and perfume before the hairdressers do her hair.hope's grandmother was sitting in Hope's room watching her get done because she wanted her granddaughter to look beautiful and elegant because it was like a girls coming of age in the mafia. Hope got  her nails done the day before, with a Jade emerald color to match her dress that was green. Her brothers and her boyfriend we're all getting ready at the house by getting their hair done and getting ready with their watches and phones on them. Jake had everything that his  for his girlfriend Hope would need. He and Hope had been going on lot of date of the bast couple of months. Some were simple dates were big dates. The two planned a trip together to go on before college started to have great adventure. Hope and Jake were have many different kind of adventure. Hope actually finally told Uncle Kevin, Grandmother Ruby and Step Grandfather Zane that her and Jake were a dating.  Her went all overprotective father on Jake ask everything that would invade his niece privacy. Her Step-grandpa was protected but said that he would have keep close eye on Jake. Jade was cool about it because she already new that her granddaughter Hope like the man Jake and made him her. Hope's grandmother already gotten herself ready for the ball by putting on make up, perfume, Ruby jewelry, and her dress on. After getting her make up on that was waterproof she then went to get her dress on and her shoes on. It took less than 20 minutes to put her dress and shoes on. Then she put her jewelry on that took less than 10 minutes. It took less then three hours to get ready. The men which included: Her step grandfather Zane, Uncle Kevin, Her brother Eric, her cousin Floyd and also her boyfriend  Jake where waiting by the stars for Ruby and Hope.  When Ruby cam down she when and stood by her husband who gave his wife kiss on the cheek in front of their family. Ruby new her granddaughter Hope was beautiful and that the men in her family would protect Hope. When Hope can down, she had her purse next to her which had her phone and gun and darts in side her purse if anything when wrong.  She walks towards her boyfriend  who had his hand out for her and she took it.  Jake gave her kiss on the cheek because her was in front her family, in the room was his boss. Jake said "Hope, you look beautiful in that dress, and I love the jewelry by the way. Hope also got compliments from other members of her family which included her step grandfather ,Her uncle, her brother, and even her cousin Floyd. 


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