"Thank you Naruto," responded Iruka gratefully, as his entire class was now looking at their upcoming geography lesson with a new perspective, and couldn't be prouder of how far his young blonde friend had come, "meet tonight for dinner?"

"You bet Iruka-sensei," answered Naruto with a grin, before he used a shunshin to return to his training, leaving a pleased chunin instructor with an eager class ready to learn about geography and its application related to their ninja careers.

The dinner at Ichiraku's shared by Naruto and Iruka was quite nice, as the two orphans shared a wonderful meal with one of the few people they really considered family, and was a truly enjoyable experience for both of them. Naruto filled Iruka in on the particulars of his recent mission to Wave, that had the chunin instructor terrified at times for the danger team 7 found themselves in, but was proud of them all. They spoke about his training, and what he was working on now, and Iruka even gave him some ideas for further chakra control exercises that Naruto could work on to refine his control even more.

Naruto also mentioned that he was working on a technique that he learned his mother used, and had to explain to Iruka how he found out from Guy-sensei, who his mother was and where she was originally from. He mentioned Uzushiogakure, and Iruka and he discussed the geography of the region and its location compared to Fire Country and Wave, bringing them back to what started their discussion and gave them both a laugh. It was somewhat late when they parted ways after a nice dinner, and Naruto returned to his Facility to continue training, as it was the last of his vacation days, and wanted to make the most of it.

Over the following two weeks, his schedule remained pretty much the same, as he would get up early to do a morning workout with the green beasts, get a late breakfast and go meet up with his team for team and individual training with them and Kakashi. Then lunch, followed by a D-Rank mission or two before being left to his own devices to continue his personal training. This was usually filled with sending a mass of clones home with Sasuke to work with him, while the real Naruto went to his Facility and continued with his personal projects, finding them all coming along very well.

A late dinner usually rounded out the day, followed by more training which usually always included a large match against several hundred clones, having really seen improvement in both Lee and Sasuke after the successive days of fighting off his clones. He would then prepare for bed, and rinse and repeat, causing many of the days to blend together into each other. His progress though was not to be understated, as his sword training, taijutsu, and chakra chains really grew by leaps and bounds over this time as he focused the most on those areas.

He had a meeting one afternoon with the Hokage about the status of his clone-pins, and how happy the old man was with his new secretary Naru, and the ability to receive instant communication from teams out in the field. Their meeting also touched on Naruto's progress infiltrating the various Civilian Council members, and how his businesses were growing so well that several of them had been mentioned during the last meeting between the many Civilian Council members, who found their own businesses suffering and being undercut. Luckily, they hadn't yet planned anything to try and hurt any of his businesses, but the council was going to start looking into these upstart businesses, and see if they couldn't apply a bit of pressure to ensure they fell under their control.

Naruto's various clones had slowly been building cases against every single member of the Civilian Council now, having dirt on many of them including two that he had proof of illegal dealings, but was hoping to find even more. He provided the Hokage with copies of all his notes and files on all of the members, and was given the green light to continue his pursuit of the many well placed civilians, who had been members of the council for quite some time. They believed that several of them had by now overstepped in some fashion, and were hoping to have all the evidence they would need to get many of them in prison for all the damage they had done over the years.

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