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Narrator POV:

"But.. This is your Home Phil.. "

Philippines stopped walking as he heard those words. "What do you even mean by that?.. "

"Don't you realize, this is the only place where you're safe. " SK shouted

"No no, this place isn't safe.. Actually.. No where is.. " Phil said, his head looking down.

"Then why run? Why run away?" SK slowly walked closer to Phil.

"This place is your home, we are your family. " SK held Phils shoulder.

"No. It's, NOT! " Phil turned around and slapped South Koreas jaw.

"Listen here, I will not be tolerated being innocent, being stupid! Being.. Being.. " Phil started to stutter..

"Being what they wanted?.. " Sk said.

"Yes! Exactly!" Phil shouted.

"It's just so fucking stupid! Everyone thinks I'm all sunshine and rainbows!"
Phil shouted again.

"Just relax, I'm sure they do that but some don't.. " Sk said.

"And like who exactly?" Phil questioned.

"Us.. All of us here."

"What?.. " Phil then heard a sound from behind him.

As he turned around he was in utterly disbelief.

"Suprise." North Korea said while pointing his gun at Phil.

Phil gulped as he immediately turned around to face SK

"You son of bitch.. " Phil said as he was standing still, clenching his fists.

"What? You really thought I would let you escape that easily?.. " Sk moved an inch closer.

Phil tried to swing a punch but then his wrist was caught by the Koreans hand mid point.

"Now, now.. You don't wanna get shot this early do you now? " the sound of North's reloading sent a few spikes down Phils spine.

"Putanginang yawa! " Phil shouted out.

South Korea patted Phils head with a evil grin on his face. "Poor little naive philip. You know you're not going anywhere, not until the deed is done. "

"I don't even know what the fuck you're talking about! " Phil said.

"Of course you don't know, but sooner you'll able to realize it. " South Korea turned around  and walked away.

'That son of a bitch..' Phil thought to himself then turned his head to face Nk,
"What?" The Korean raised a brow.

"Oh nothing to serious." Phil said then he grabbed Nk's arm moving behind gun and then elbowing North right on the face. As North groaned in pain he accidentally let's go of the gun in his hands letting Phil point the gun right at South Korea as the he turned around.

"Woah there now kid, put the gun down. That ain't a toy. " The Korean said as he stopped.

"Well.. I think it's a toy, but maybe you're right!.." Phils finger was an inch away from pulling the trigger, "It ain't. And so am I. " As he pulled the trigger the sound echoes through the hallway as the bullet hits South Korea's shoulder.

The Korean groaned as he was holding the shot wound, watching as the blood covered his hands.

"And they say I don't know how to defend myself. " Phil then turned the other way and shot North Koreas knee before he started running.

"Well, now he has a fucking gun. Good work North. " South Angrily said to his brother. "Like you could do any fucking better dipshit. " North talked back.

Philippines Pov:

As I continued running i found myself in some sort of a laboratory, it was a huge area.

But never so, there wasn't anybody here, it was completely empty. I continued walking in an empty area, it was dead silent, only seeing desk tops with random paperworks, random containers filled with random things.

I reloaded the gun in my hands as I stopped in front of a desk with a very familiar name. Singapore.

I sat down on the chair and opened his laptop, I needed to know what's going on, or what their planning.

As I opened the laptop there popped up aan enter password, "Punyeta.. Whats his password-" I asked myself, looking around his desk seeing if there was a written password on it but no luck.

I looked at his computer and tried to think of something. I tried his independence day, his name, the day he was discovered and still nothing.

I mumbled a few words but then I spark came to me. I tried something that I thought was an option, "Tee..ma..sek."
I typed down and it finally opened.

I started searching his files trying to find an answer to why did they even take me, or to what they said about an ability I had or what will they do.

I searched down and found a file.
//File; name; Las Felipinas..-://

I opened the file and started to read every single copy they had of my and the ones written down. There I find an answer to one of my questions, well maybe two, why was I here?..

I started reading and there it was, the words 'See's the dead' got my head hurting.  I mean they were correct about me having a third eye but then again I closed it, I closed the eye, why the hell do they still need me for that..

I continued my search, more questions filled up my head, and the more I tried to search for answers.

'Just like his father' 'Terrorist? ' 'Unbalanced' these words, I can't seem to understand why. Why are these here, why is all my most private thoughts are in his fucking laptop.

I can't seem to point it out.

As I exit from my file I found a small file hidden away, 'My heart' was the file name, just that nothing else.

I opened the file and started reading.

The words clogged in my head suddenly vanished until I read the sentence,
'I can't hide this feeling any more, his the only thing keeping me sane.. The only one that was keeping me alive." Those words went down my spine but soon my eyes widen.

'Philippines.. ' I read at the very end of one of the sentences, what the actual fuck? How many of these bitches are trying to get me for them.

Then I heard a gun reload behind me.
"Aren't you tired of escaping?.. "

End of Chapter

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