"Of course we will,"

Start from the beginning

Kenny nodded back and then put his focus back on Mr. Garrison who continued to ramble on but this time he had included Beyonce.

God, does he ever shut up?

Mr. Garrison decided to eventually wrap things up and finally agreed that Nicki was actually thicker than all of them. He then decided to take out the multiplication worksheets.

"Alright Class since Clyde thinks that my important lecture is sooo boring he must sleep through it! I'm giving out some worksheets, its due at the end of class period,"

Everyone groaned and Clyde eventually woke up confused on what was going on.

Thanks Clyde.

Ruben groaned in frustrated as the worksheet was placed on his desk he took out his pencil and started to write the answers.

Eventually classed ended and Ruben placed the finished worksheet on Garrison's desk.

He watched as everyone went to their lockers to put away their things and head off home.

Ruben opened his locker and placed his books away before slamming it shut and walking to the back of the school.
Usually this is where the goth kids hung out but they had already gone home. Leaving Ruben alone to wait for Kenny at least they will get full privacy.

Ruben stood there and waited for 2 minutes until Kenny walking in.

"Mrmph mrmph mrmph mrph mph," Kenny explained.

"What?" Asked Ruben who was confused and couldn't understand him.

Kenny sighed before taking off his orange hood.
Ruben noticed his sandy blonde hair which looked soft as he pulled off his hood.
He noticed his deep blue eyes that twinkled under the afternoon sun.

"I said that sorry I'm a bit late I had to deal with some of Cartman's shenanigans,"

"Oh that's fine," Ruben replied blushing trying his best to hide his expression.

"So why did you ask me to meet you here?" Pondered Ruben.

"Oh that...well you see I really think you're cool and I wanted to hangout with you," Kenny sighed in relief finally getting that out of his system.

Ruben couldn't believe what he was hearing. His crush thought he was cool!

Ruben blushed even more feeling flattered.


"It's fine if you don't want to hang out," Sighed Kenny.

"No I do I'm just so flattered by what you said that's all," Ruben admitted as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Oh...well do you want to hang out now?" Kenny questioned.

"Sure why not,"

"Alright lets head to my place,"

On the way to Kenny's place the two happily chatted about today's lesson.

"I'm actually glad he finally agreed on Nicki being thick," Kenny mentioned.

Ruben chuckled at this.

"Why so?"

"Because she is!" Kenny shot back.

"Hmm...I think Kim is thicker," teased Ruben.

Kenny scoffed but ending up laughing afterwards.

Once they reached his house Kenny opened the door and allowed Ruben to enter first.

"Nice place you have here," Ruben said as he entered the house standing in the middle of the living room.

"Thanks..." Kenny replied closing the door following Ruben inside.

"My parents aren't home...do you want to go to my room?" Asked Kenny as he pointed to his room.

"Sure I really don't mind," Ruben said walking towards his room.

Kenny opened the door to his room and allowed Ruben to enter his room.

"Sorry if it's messy," Kenny apologized taking off his orange parka.

"It's fine...I think your room is quite clean actually,"


Ruben hummed in a agreement before sitting on the Kenny's bed.

"So what do you have in mind?" Asked Ruben.

"We can play some video games, I have a console,  you know,"

"Okay what game are we going to play?" Asked Ruben his ears perked up.

"How about Minecraft?" Asked Kenny.

"You have Minecraft?" Ruben looked at him.

"Yep, I just got it yesterday," Kenny explained setting up the console.

He handed Ruben a controller while he took the other one.

Hours had passed and the two were having a blast.
Kenny was  building a house while Ruben tried to breed some animals.

"How about we burn village down?"

"Sure why not?" Ruben smirked as he took out the flint and steel and got to set some houses on fires.

He laughed and Kenny chuckled as well.

"This is why I'm going to hell," Laughed Kenny.

Ruben smiled back at Kenny and looked at his alarm clock which read 7:54 P.M.

"It's getting late Ken..."

"Oh shit you're right," Kenny paused the game before turning off the T.V.

"It's a school night I should he heading home," Ruben got up.

Kenny looked at the light blue fox before nodding.

"Should I walk you home?"

"Nah...I will be fine?"

"You sure?"

"I guess you can..." Ruben eventually agreed.

Once they got to Ruben's place Ruben turned around.

"Well I guess this is goodbye for now," Kenny spoke.


"Well thanks for hanging out," Kenny stated as he stood on the porch that belonged to Ruben's house.

"Yeah...no, thank you for asking me to hangout,"

Kenny smirked before looking at the twilight sky the sun was barely setting on the horizon.

"We will hangout again? Won't we?"

"Of course we will," Ruben replied.

1,396 Words

(A\N): Once again I asked my friend if I could write a Ruben x Kenny fanfic and they said yeah.

Ruben and Kade do not belong to me they belong to my friend seikothecat

Hopefully you enjoyed!

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