Questions for your Ocs! (Simpsons Edition)

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1. Where does your oc work at?

2. Who do they truly hate?

3. What's their gag?
Ex: Homer's frequent D'ohs, Maggie occasionally tripping, Marge pulling random stuff out of her hair

4. Who are they occasionally seen with?

5. Which character hates them?

6. Which adult character are they very close with? In a platonic way.

7. Which child character are they very close with? In a platonic way.

8. Who is their rival/enemy?

9. Which character do they love the most.

10. In a Treehouse of Horror Episode are they ones getting killed or the ones killing others?

My answers~

1. Where does your oc work at?
Astoria works at the school while Bianca works at the hostipal as a nurse.

2. Who do they truly hate?
Astoria hates the mafia, Bob, and Moe.
Bianca doesn't hate anyone but heavily dislikes Mr. Burns.

3. What's their gag?
Ex: Homer's frequent D'ohs, Maggie occasionally tripping, Marge pulling random stuff out of her hair.

On some occasions Astoria nearly dies sometimes she is unware of her encounters with death.
Bianca's gag is getting interrupted by others.

4. Who are they occasionally seen with?
Astoria is occasionally seen with Edna or Seymour.
Bianca is seen with Moe or Barney.

5. Which character hates them?
Chalmers has a deep hatred for Astoria, and Helen hates Bianca.

6. Which adult character are they very close with? In a platonic way.
Astoria is very close with Edna and Bianca is very close with Moe.

7. Which child character are they very close with? In a platonic way.
Astoria doesn't interact with any of the students....maybe Bart?
Bianca is very close with Lisa and gives her motivation that she needs.

8. Who is their rival/enemy?
Bob is considered an enemy towards Astoria and the two would frequently fight.
Bianca on the other hand has a rivalry with Luann.

9. Which character do they love the most.
Astoria loves Skinner but hides it most of the times.
Bianca loves Moe and often drops hints hoping he would notice.

10. In a Treehouse of Horror Episode are they ones getting killed or the ones killing others?
Astoria is the one killing people on some of the episodes, she rarely gets killed. Bianca is the one who unfortunately gets killed either by the simpsons family or other characters sometimes that being Moe.

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