"Of course we will,"

23 3 7

(A/N): Once again this is a oc x character one-shot
(Ruben x Kenny) if you don't like that please click off and don't post any type of hate! Thank you


Mr. Garrison stood in front of the class as he argued about who had a bigger ass or in other words who was thicker; Kim Kardashian or Nicki Minaj.

Almost everyone pretended to be invested as they didn't want to do work and feared Garrison might pull out the multiplication worksheets.

Ruben tried his best to not fall asleep. He seemed so disinterested but tried his best he didn't want Garrison to call him out in front of everyone.

He looked to his left and noticed Cartman jeering at Kyle while Kyle simply ignored the larger boy.
He noticed Stan who was deeply focused on his phone he seemed like he was texting someone.
Was it Wendy or somebody else? He wasn't sure.
Butters who was next to Stan looked content and was actually paying attention to what Garrison was saying.
He saw Joan at the back of the class deep in thought as she scribbled on her notebook. She appears to be smiling to herself he wondered what cause that smile.
He noticed a pissed off Wendy maybe Stan wasn't paying attention to her.

He looked to his right and saw a lovestrucked Craig looking at Kade.
He noticed Kade was hyperfixated on the window as he was staring at it and smiling, possibly dreaming of Craig.

Kade please turn around the man of your dreams is staring at you

Ruben looked at the back of the class and saw Tweek who appeared to be suffering from a panic attack he wished he could at least comfort him, but due to it being during class time  that won't be possible.
He then looked in the middle and noticed Clyde sleeping.

I wondered how if he's brave or foolish to sleep in Garrsion's class.

Ruben looked back at Mr. Garrison who continued on his argument he strongly believed that Kim Kardasian was thicker.

"I believe Kim is actually thicker she has a huge ass," Garrison explained.

Ruben rolled his eyes.

I wished I went home already

"I disagree..."

Ruben looked over and noticed Kenny who was disinterested as well.

Kenny leaned his face against his hand. He looked bored, I mean who wouldn't be.

Kenny looked over at Ruben and waved at him, even smiling at him, but Ruben couldn't notice his smile as his hoodie was concealing it.

Ruben blushed slightly and waved back.

Kenny then turned back to his desk.
Ruben sighed he was hoping he could've started at least a small conversation with the blonde male.
Ruben looked at the clock and watched as the arms ticked slowly.

Only 45 minutes until class is over.

Ruben started to doze off eventually zoning out for a bit before feeling a tap on his shoulder.
He turned around now awake.
He sliently gasped and saw Kenny handing him a small piece of binder paper.

Ruben took the paper and opened it curious what it contained.

'Hey Ruben, meet me behind the school after school ends,'


Ruben gulped nervously before  stuffing the piece of paper into his pocket he nodded towards Kenny signaling that he read the letter.

Spam book And One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora