One Step At A Time

Start from the beginning

Andi: what's not been going on one failed relationship after another

Fatima: The right one will come along just give it time

Andi: Why is it so hard to let someone go when you know they're a piece of shit. Like I have all the proof I need but it's so hard to let him go

Fatima: Some times we are afraid of starting over, we get so use to sticking it out that we ignore everything and lose a piece of ourself every time we take that person back. We are human and you have every right to feel what you are feeling without being judged. It's going to take some time but you will get there

Andi: Thank you I needed this. I haven't had anyone to talk to since I'm still not talking to Karen and the other girls never really listen. Some times I just want to to vent without being judged or ridiculed.

You never judge you keep it real

Fatima: The real way is the only way to be

Andi: Okay enough of my sad story you are glowing I need whatever it is you got going on

Fatima: Oh yeah , this is what happiness looks like.

Andi: Well I need a little bit of happiness from you

Fatima: Here let me rub some of it off on you

Andi: Thank you girl I receive it. I don't have much for you today you can catch up on emails. Please let me know if you need anything.

Fatima: Okay will do thank you.

Oh shit I forgot to text Zac and let him know I made it to work.

Hey I made it to work sorry I forgot

Zac: I was about to put in a missing persons report , just kidding glad you made it have a nice day at work

Fatima: Thanks I'll talk to you later

The day went pretty smooth got my email down and even worked through a couple cases I had piled up on my desk. If Andi didn't need anything I was going to cut out on my lunch. Before I could head to Andi's office Angela was knocking at my door

Fatima: Come in

Angela: Hey Girl I feel like I haven't seen or talked to you since your surprise party are we good?

Fatima: I don't know Angela you tell me

Angela: After thinking about it all I was in the wrong and I apologize. I was playing the fence because I didn't want to hurt either of you and I'm sorry for telling Belinda all your business. If you don't fuck with her no more then you don't have to worry about me inviting her or even mentioning your name when we are together.

Fatima: I appreciate that

Angela: Now can we please squash this beef because I need my friend back. I don't have no one to tell me the real deal when it comes to situations. Belinda is not you

Fatima: Umm that's the second time someone said that today, I guess me keeping it real ain't so bad after all

Angela: Not at all hell I wish that was something that I had because I be beating around the bush not trying to hurt anyones feelings. You on the other hand you keep it real no matter what, sometimes it comes off a little harsh but at least you know it's coming from a good place.

Fatima: Angela I just don't have time for drama, mess or friends that can't be consistent. I'm at a place in my life where I am finally happy and I want to continue to be that way without thinking what are my friends planning or saying behind my back.

Angela: You can trust me it won't happen again

Fatima: Oh trust if it happens again there won't be no more conversations being had. You gone be on the sideline permanently with your other friend Belinda

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