She was in a different shirt and her hair seemed damp, first sign of recovery, self acknowledgment. Its a baby step but it counts.
When she finally found the box of cereals she poured it in the bowl and that's when I noticed her shaky hands, she could hardly keep them steady as she poured the cereal into the bowl.

Pushing off the doorframe I walk towards her and when she was within my arms reach, I reach my hand forward and hold onto her shaky hands that held the cereal box.

She gasped and jumped, whipping her head to the side to look at me with wide eyes, definitely startled by my sudden appearance, but when her eyes met mine, she immediately relaxed.

"That's no decent breakfast, Dove" I whisper and grab the cereal box out of her hand and rest it back on the counter.

"Why don't we make something more...delicious perhaps?" I suggest and she thinks over it for a second before nodding in agreement.

I can't have her cooking with her condition right now, but I know what she's feeling, she wants to feel some control over herself and her environment, and I'll make sure she gets that.

"I'm not a great cook, so I'm definitely gonna need your help" I tell her with a soft smile and her eyes twinkle with a hint of excitement and that was enough to take my mind off everything else, because in this very moment all that mattered was her, not that diary, not my urge to avenge her, nothing else, just her.

Setting aside the box of cereals I lead her towards the other side of the kitchen that had every ingredient needed for a french toast.
She followed me cautiously, eyes examining my each move as I brought the milk out of the fridge and set it on the counter next to an empty bowl.

"How do you like your french toast Dove?" I ask her and a small smile formed on her lips before she squeaks "extra sweet, please"

Cooking with Delilah was entirely a different experience. After everything that has happened to her, she genuinely seemed to have enjoyed cooking. I caught a glimpse of smile in her eyes a couple times as she dipped the bread into the sweet milk.

"It was delicious" her soft voice breaks me out of my thoughts and I shift my eyes in her direction, but I was disappointed when I didn't see her eyes on me, her head was bowed down, just like she used to do before.
Not being able to contain myself any longer I stand up, but she still don't look my way as she stood just two feet away from me.
Closing in the distance, leaving a few inches between us I reach my hand forward and curl my finger under her chin before gently pushing her face up, forcing her eyes to interwine with mine.

"Do not ever bow to me Delilah, you are to never bow down to anyone ever again, the world will bow down to you, not the other way around, do you understand?" I ask her with my voice steady and low.


"That's an order, Ms Miller" I cut her off with a smile and the redness on her cheek was evidence enough that she understood.
Feeling content I take a step back and she visibly relax.

"I hope you're feeling well today dove, because I have an activity planned for us" I inform her and her brows furrow together.

"What activity?"

"We're going running in an hour" I tell her, and to say she did not seem excited was an understatement, but it was for her own good, it would divert her attention from everything.

Little DoveWhere stories live. Discover now