Chapter 7-Matt's P.O.V

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          "Are we heading towards the car?" Maya, Amira's best friend asks me, once she realizes we haven't moved from the spot Amira left us in.

           "Ya, right." Chris snorts as I give him a warning look, "As if he'd go anywhere without his princess." Chris mocks, losing it as soon as he says that cringey ass sentence. 

           "We don't leave anyone behind and I would do the same for you. So shut it." I say smacking the back of his head when I notice he won't stop laughing.

          Keeping a secret from my brothers is almost impossible, which is why It's no secret to them that I've been in love with Amira since the day our worlds collided. I mean how could I not? Everything about Amira was captivating and anyone around her is instantly lured in like a moth to a flame.

             Did you know that Amira in Arabic means princess? I know ironic, but if you know Amira you would know that it makes so much sense. Amira might seem superficial from the outside, but for those who know her, you would know that when she found out about the earthquake in Turkey she didn't hesitate. She donated every single thing in her closet to those who needed it.

               And I mean everything.

Even though she tries to hide it, Amira has the biggest heart I know. Ever since I've known Mira, I knew that If we would give her one single phone call she would run through hell for us. Because that's who she was, caring, compassionate, beautiful, and a little bit crazy. But she was ours, our Mira.

               So ya, I'm in love with my best friend, but could you really blame me? She, however,  has no clue of this and thinks of me as just a friend, and for years I never minded it because being Amira's friend was enough. But now I'm not so sure, I've begun to be selfish and found myself wanting more. More of her. More of her laughs, more of her company, more of her warmth. I wanted all of it.

           Sometimes I wonder if she ever feels it too. Because sometimes I'm so sure our souls are speaking so loudly to each other that I can hear them. It's almost like their screaming at us.

           "Come on dude, I'll take the girls to the car and you can wait for Amira." Chris says from the floor where he decided to sit after just a couple minutes of standing. Chris could never really sit still anywhere, so trying to get him to patiently wait for anything is like signing your death sentence.

            "No. No one is going anywhere without Amira." I tell him, because even though Chris likes to deny it, I think besides me and Nick, Amira is the only person he truly likes enough to keep around.

            "Did you guys hear that." Sasha says looking up from her phone as I shifted towards the same noise I heard. It sounded like a scream.

             "Are you fucking kidding me?!" Another scream emerges and this one I recognized instantly.


            I dropped my helmet on the floor and quickly started sprinting to the voice, Chris following right behind me. I knew something was going to happen, which is why I didn't let anyone move without her. I should've trusted my gut. Whenever it comes to Amira I just always know.

              "You dipshit, take your fucking phone and shove it up your ass." Amira throws the phone at the body on the floor where Garrett was holding his bloody nose between his hands as he moves side to side in pain. Me and Chris quickly halt, not getting any closer, because it seems she can handle herself very well.

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