Chapter 6

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          I've always been so sure of myself. Of the role I played. My grades are mediocre, but I'm smart where it matters. I'm not an athlete, only because I prefer to wear shoes that aren't meant for physical activity. I'm classy, yet I throw money around like it would make all my problems go away. I'm friends with everyone, yet sometimes I wish that every single person on this earth could just disappear for just a moment. I've always been in between everything in my life, that's where I belonged. I m not too much one or too much another.

              So why do I feel like something's changed?

             "I know we're supposed to hate our opponents, but why are they so hot." Sasha groans from besides me on the bench.

              Me, Sasha, and Maya were currently at the boy's lacrosse game. We were down by one, I know that doesn't sound like much, but for lacrosse it could be the whole game. Our team never really plays this badly, but it seems like the boys heads aren't in the game and I knew why. It's the same reason Nick missed this game, and the reason I had to be here. Nick never misses a game, but knowing that he who shall not be named is from the school  of our opponents it was only understandable. So instead they get me as support.

            "They are devils Sash, trust me you don't want to get sucked into that." I advise her since Sasha doesn't really know of the situation because well it was Nick's story to tell not mine.

            "Ex boyfriend drama?" Sash asks me with a quirk of a brow, clearly curious.

            "Something like that." I mumble as I quickly stand up grabbing the poster I made last night. "Come on girls, let's be cheerleaders for a day and yell our lungs out."

            Maya and Sasha get up besides me and start hollering, but since it could be a bit embarrassing  to be the only people yelling in an arena it kind of catches the attention of everyone. Chris's head turns towards us from the game with a confused face as he I give him two cheesy thumbs up. Chris adorably smiles up at us as he pokes Matt beside him who turns and pats Chris on the shoulder and leans his head close to his ear as Chris whispers. Matt then suddenly looks up finding whatever Chris whispered to him about and finds us on the benches as we scream even louder.

          He smiles shaking his head in laughter. But then suddenly He puts two fingers on his lips and waves it up to us. My feet nearly wobble off the bench. Wobble? Hah no. There's no way I got weak to my knees because of Matt? My best friend, the guy who used to pull my pigtails and I'd smack him with a ping pong paddle. To be fair I've been feeling lightheaded since yesterday, it might just be stress from all the midterms going on.

          I could tell their mood quickly went up. I swear it's like even if Nick doesn't play lacrosse himself, if he isn't here they aren't fully themselves and when he is here it's like they are complete. It's so beautiful to see such a bond. I used to envy it growing up, but now I just learned to appreciate it. But anyways getting to fix their mood without nick being here was truly a miracle.

           Their game continues and I can instantly see the difference. The boys start zooming through the game carrying the entire team, they are now even in score. There was still one more quarter before the game finished so I'm confident they'll get it.

              "Hey, Me and Sasha are grabbing cokes and nachos, want anything?" Maya says from above me her hand resting on my shoulder.

               "I'm good thank you." I tell her with a smile as she sighs.

                "Let me guess." Sue starts. "You don't eat processed cheese?" Maya asks suspiciously because avoiding her has become harder and harder lately the more time we spend together.

              "How'd you know?" I smirk at her taking this as a joke because usually that's what works best.

               "How about a hotdog?" She suggests not giving me any indication that she's willing to give up anytime soon.

               "Processed meat, gross." I shoot bavk.

                 "Wings?" She offers.

                  "Dirty hands." I Retort wiggling my fingers.

                  "French fries?" She continues

                  "Days old oil, no thanks." 

                  "Turkey sub?"

                 "You know now that I think about it. I'd really love a bottle of water." I should've thought of this before, changing the subject seems to always work for me.

                "Fine." Maya clenchs her teeth and walks back towards the stands. I knew she's about had it with me, but her even knowing what I've been doing for years is already a step ahead of anyone else. I'm really trying, but it so hard.

             I open my phone to wait till they get back when I realize that my hands were shaky. I try to shake it off, but it doesn't seem to budge. Maybe I'm just dehydrated. Maya should be back with water any second now. I take in deep breathes trying to distract myself from thinking the worse.

           A couple minutes later Maya comes back with my water and I gulp about half of it down. Maya kept on offering me food, but my answer was always the same. My thoughts fill up my stomach with so many dark thoughts that I can't stand to stomach anything more.

                The game passes by the boys scoring 2 more points before the game finally ends in victory. I cheer and applaud them, but I try my best to not be as crazy as earlier since my body seems to betray me.

            We make our way down to the field. I run towards them and jump into their arms, one arm around Chris the other around Matt. "You guys did so good!" I giggle giving them both each a kiss on the cheek before letting go.

              "One more." Matt says softy before pulling  me into a hug as I wrap my hands around his neck. My heart starts to quicken as soon as I'm met with his familiar musky sent. "We wouldn't have won without you, you know." He says whispering in my ear.

             "Duh, I'm your good luck charm." I joke as I do a spin once he releases me from the hug.

               He pulls my arm pulling me closer as he places a kiss on the top of my head. "Guess I can't let you leave my side then."

               "You're an idiot." I laugh as I push him away causing him to laugh as he moves back a step or two from my shove.

              "Heyyy congrats." Maya smiles as she gives Matt an awkward hug. It's like water got splashed into my face and I suddenly remembered exactly where I am what is as doing and who I was supposed to be in this story. What was that earlier? I seriously need to get a grip.

             "Where we going for dinner?" Chris asks swinging an arm over my shoulder as we start walking towards the gate.

            "You act like you eating anything besides l McDonald's or Burger King." I retort.

             "Is that judgment I hear?" Chris teases me as he messes my hair up, his arm still swung over my shoulders.

             "Not judgment just facts, you twat." I say slapping his face gently in a joking matter.

               "Hey are you guys the sturniolo triplets?" A group of girls say walking over to us. "Can we get a picture." They said not even waiting for them to confirm it was them. Well I supposed it was obvious.

              I giggle at the situation, "I'm going to use the restroom real quick while you guys finish up, and then I'll meet you guys at the car."

               After using the restroom and I washing my hands deciding not to use the hand dryer after TikTok told me what kind of germs they carry.

             I start waking back towards the car when someone familiar walks up to me.

             And you'd never guess who it was.


                      End of Chapter 6

Silent Chaos| Matt SturnioloHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin