Chapter 5

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"Why are you avoiding me?" A whisper makes it's way to my ear causing me to jolt as my heart starts racing a million miles an hour. I wish I could say my reaction was because I was surprised by someone's presence, but I knew that wasn't the reason. The reason was him.

For some reason it's always been him.

"Matthew." I state once I turn away from my locker and towards him. My breath hitches for a moment when my eyes met his. I clear my throat and stand up straighter, "Do you want to give me a heart attack?"

"This isn't us, Mira." Matt decides to say instead, ignoring my dramatics. I guess I couldn't avoid him forever, it's been a really long week of trying to dodge Matt when he might as well be the center of my earth. School, friends, home. He was everywhere. It couldn't be more obvious that I was avoiding him, even though I didn't hang out with the triplets as much this week it still shows.

"I know." I sigh turning for a moment to close my locker and then face him again. You know I've always known he was cute, but something is different he doesn't look like little Matty anymore. He's grown up, to the point where you can sometimes find some scuffle on his face when he skips a couple days of shaving. Little Matty, wasn't so little anymore. He wasn't cute anymore, no, he was.... gorgeous.

I'm starting to get why all the girls are always trying to get a shot with him. He was the perfect guy, from looks to personality. I just didn't understand why it took me so long to see it too.

"If this is about the Ferris wheel, I-" he starts off.

"Come over today." I say cutting him off. "Leena is making Kabobs for dinner today." I state because I know how much he love's Leena's kabobs. "We'll talk then?" I finish. He stares at me for a moment contemplating it.

"Me and Maya were supposed to work on the project today... how about tomorrow? No tomorrow won't work either me Nick and Chris are filming tomorrow." He starts rambling off schedule like I understand how his mind works. Also yes, you heard him right he said filming. Did I forgot to mention that the triplets aren't just famous in this small town, they were YouTubers with millions of subscribers. I mean I've always known they were the type of people that can be adored from even outside this small town.

"I see, I should've considered your schedule, another time then." I say a little too enthusiastically , I guess I'm glad to get out of talking whatever this was out for the next two days at least.

"Byeeee." I start to leave when I feel a tug on my backup that pulls me back my backpack hitting Matt's chest. Great. He always has a way of making me feel like a toddler.

"I'll be there." He tells me as I smack his arm away from my backup and then over face him.

"What about your plans?" I respond dumb founded.

"Let me worry about that." He says ruffling my hair as I smack him upside his head and return to fixing my hair back to its perfect display, but not without sending him a glare of course. Look perfect, feel perfect, are perfect. That's the lie I like to tell myself to feel better.

"See you at 6." He says squishing my cheeks before leaving because of course he has to bother me in some way. I hated that I was the baby of the family along with growing up with full cheeks people think they can always pull on them because I was persevered as a baby.

"Hey, sleeping beauty." A group of seniors, football players specifically, hollered walking towards me the one leading them sending me a wink which I respond to with my middle finger. Another thing I hated, that damn nickname. It all started because of me always being caught asleep in classes and since then they haven't let it go. I also hate footballers, not that I enjoyed lacrosse but it's far more enjoyable especially since Chris and Matt play so it's just fun to have something to cheer for.

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