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A young petite girl with a battered slightly frisky veil black dress, with a tan brown over all hoister, flowing dark purple hair, and ethereal violet eyes ran as fast as she could, ignoring the menacing footsteps, and monstrous shrills of whatever creature, had chosen to awake from hell to devour her.

The young girl did not stop running, and neither did the creature, cause every step she took was a resounding unnatural footstep in return.

With every step took, did the young girls fear increase evermore.

She was utterly lacking in any view of light that might help illuminate the path she'd thus far took, but their did seem to be aid for her, as a vast expansion of trees came to her view, offering places to hide or at least conserve her escaping strength.

However with it came an vast amount of dead and withered leaves, that rested upon the land untouched. Quickly though this changed, as her bare feet which ached from all the running she'd done, descended onto the leaves causing an impossibly loud crunch to resound, followed by more and more as her sprint for survival continued.

While unsure if the creature would take notice of the sound of the leaves, she did not dare doubt it, and tried her best to make as little noise as possible which just barely lessened the crunches of the leaves beneath her.

However quickly she would come to the realization that their was no longer any monstrous footsteps in pursuit of her, which brought a slight sense of relief.

Quickly though with no warning, or not even the hint of a whisper did that abhorrent creatures cries of death assault her ears, even louder than before.

The sounds thundered and resounded in the skies above, where the creature had risen to, giant bat like wings spread far casting an enormous shadow of the land beneath.

A Dragon.

Quickly abandoning any hope of silencing her footsteps she increased her speed as much as she could, finding the nearest tree to conceal her from the winged creature in pursuit.

She quickly fell to the ground, the rush of what was most likely adrenaline leaving her body, in it's place a death like tiredness that spread over her small figure.

She tried to rein in her shallow breaths, to no avail, not being able to calm her frantic heart of the absurdness of the situation she found herself in.

She did not dare look beyond what her eyes could not see through the trees leaves, and continued to sit their in despair and fear, beginning to sob as softly as she could.

Whatever it was that the creature had in mind, had become increasingly clear, that her life was not consequential. The thought of why though could not be fathomed by her young mind, when for the final time that forsaken shrill filled her senses.

Before her had landed the mighty red beast, which greatly towered over the trees.

It had a powerful muscled body with six equally muscled legs with sharp claws, and serpentine like scales.

It's two wings held the same qualities with a few pointed bone like protrusions travelling along the tips.

It's neck was long, adorned with jagged bone like spikes stopping atop the head of the beast, and with it one giant spike that was slightly titled forward resting on the forehead of the beast.

Fairytail: Daughter of the ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now