Chapter 22

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Tom Riddle's pov:

I picked up a regular dress-shirt from my dresser as my dress pants and undershirt were already on, I took my cufflinks and blazer in hand and left my dorm room. I went to her dormitory and knocked on the door and rested my shoulder on the doorframe, she opened the door, ''Can I help you with something?'' Y/N asked, her expression was unreadable, today was a Saturday, 4th years can go Hogsmeade without the permission slip and I want to use today to get to know Y/N, maybe she can be helpful with her knowledge, experience, etc. I smiled, ''Do you mind?'' I asked as I showed her my black, silver cufflinks, ''I don't, come in.'' she said and I did just that, her room was nice enough, nothing had changed since I was last here. ''Your hand.'' She said and I put my blazer on her chair and went up to her, I gave her the cufflinks and my arms. ''What are your plans for the day?'' I asked, as I looked at her, she was a bit shorter than me, a thing I noticed just now.

''Nothing, I have nothing planned.'' She said as she finished one of my hands. ''I have been thinking, maybe we started on the wrong foot, we should start over and be friends.'' I say as I look at her, she isn't looking at me though, she was still trying to close the shirt with the cufflink, ''Sure, continue.'' ''We should go to Hogsmeade together, I'll show you around and we'll get to know each other.'' I said and she straightened my sleeve. ''As friends, right?'' Y/N asked, finally looking up at me, ''Of course, as you wish.'' I replied and stepped back to take my blazer, ''Alright, but I have to get ready, I can't leave the grounds like this.'' She replied and motioned to her clothing, a regular dress with a flower pattern, ''alright, but don't take long.'' I said as I put my blazer on, ''I'll be waiting for you in the common room.'' I said and closed the door behind me.

I went down to the common room, Dolohov was sitting in one of the armchairs, I sat down in front of him. ''Hello Riddle, is our meeting in the room of requirement to-'' ''No, I'm busy today.'' I said stopping him as I put my hand up.

''With what?'' he asked he looked confused ''I'm ready.'' Y/N's voice ran through the room, she was wearing, navy blue dress-pants and a white wool turtleneck, ''Right, we're on our way.'' I said as I stood up and guided Y/N to the exit, Dolohov looked dumbfounded, absolute confusion and pure shock written all over his face, I nodded and we left.

Y/N's pov:

I knew that there was no way that Riddle didn't want to be friends just because, Dumbledore's words stuck with me. I've heard that Riddle is an amortentia child, so no emotions or real feelings, no love and close people. But why me, there must have been some kind of mistake, maybe there was created some kind of loop whole or something like that, but to find out more I needed to get to know Riddle better, maybe he already knew the answer and that's why he wanted to meet up with me, to let me know as well, but why? It's not like he had any moral sense or ethics, why get to know me, it's not like anything will change for him, one you're conceived under a love potion, there is no way out.

As we went through the halls, a group of girls passed us and one of them greeted Riddle, ''Oh, hey Riddle.'' She said in a high voice, quite flirtatious, but he didn't even look at her, let alone acknowledge her at all. Her face dropped as we passed, ''Why didn't you greet her back?'' I asked, actually curious about the situation just untraveled in front of me. ''Did she greet me? I heard nothing.'' He replied smiling, a fake smile, more like a smirk to be honest, charming, the face was definitely practised before. ''Come on now.'' I said as I rolled my eyes, ''I just want you to feel comfortable.'' He shrugged it off. ''If you want to be friends with me, you will have to be honest, I see right through you, no matter how good of liar you are.'' I said as I looked forward, friendship is based on honesty, right? ''It's just useless to greet her back, she's been obsessed for a while now, most of the time I just want to be left alone.'' He answered.

 ''See? Was telling the truth so hard? I get it though, I'm a bit on the introverted side as well.'' I said,  we reached the large entrance door. '' I would've never guessed that you're introverted, you give off a very confident and unbothered image if I can say.'' He said as he opened the door for me and motioned for me to go through with his hand. ''The thing about confidence is that, no one knows if it's real or not.'' I said as the autumn winds hit my face. ''That is quite smart, may I?'' he asked as he offered his hand. ''You may.'' I said as I put my arm through his. 

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