Chapter 4

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Recap: I look at my brother, he's happy, smiling ear to ear, he even waved at me. Then he turned back to a few boys his age and started talking.

''Little man making some friends.'' Rachel said grinning from ear to ear.

''Isn't it crazy how it's already Christmas.'' Spoke Rachel while we were getting ready for bed. It's two days after the incident with Billy.

''Right? Look I know it's a weird thing to say, but I'm happy that you're here with me.'' I said looking at her. ''What you mean?'' she stopped braiding her hair and looked at me. ''That came out weird, what I meant was, it's nice that we found each other, in such sad times.'' I spoke looking at het through the mirror. ''I completely agree with you, babes.'' She said nodding her head.

''Well, we better get going, before Mrs. Cole sees us.'' Rachel said getting all her stuff. ''You're right.'' I agreed.

''Do you think Francis will be okay if he doesn't have a present this year?'' I asked turning on my side in my bed to face Rachel who was doing the same. ''Well knowing we can't go out of the orphanage's territory, I think he'll understand.'' She said shrugging, '' You're right, there is nothing I can do.'' I said sighing, ''We can always make the gift.'' Rachel offered, sitting up and looking at me.

''Okay, but what can we make? You know I hate crafty stuff.'' I said rolling my eyes in the end.

''Well thank God your best friend is very crafty.'' She said smiling, at me. ''Good for meeee!'' I said sarcastically, ''Please don't make me do anything that includes glue and glitter.'' I spoke giving her my puppy eyes, ''Fine, we'll continue this discussion tomorrow, because I'm tired.'' Rachel said dramatically. ''Okay, sweet dreams.'' I whispered, ''You too.'' She whispered back.

When I fell asleep, I had this weird dream, about this castle, right next to it there was a lake and the sun was shining beautifully in the water, and there were hills in the background.

Then I turned my head to the side and I saw a forest, I got up from the place I was sitting and started walking towards the woods.

Once I got to the border where the forest started, I looked back and saw the castle, it was beautiful.

I turned my head back and waked in to the woods, the aura changed, it got quiet, the only thing I could hear, were my own footsteps, until I heard wind behind me, I quickly turned my head to only to see a passing shadow, and then silence again like nothing ever happened.

I turn my head back and continue walking, until I hear a branch break behind me. I stop walking, and slowly turn around only to reveal...

I woke up from Rachel shaking me awake, there was concern written all over her face, '' Are you okay?'' I asked, while catching my breath. ''I should be asking you that.'' she replied while sitting on the edge of my bed. ''Why? What happened?'' I asked concerned. ''Okay, so when I woke up, I saw you floating above your bed, I just froze, you looked dead. And then you fell back in to the bed, and just stayed there. I was so scared that you were dead.'' She replied quietly. I got up, hugged her shoulder and said, ''I'm fine I promise.'' '' Please don't ever do that again.'' She whispered. ''I promise, I won't.'' I whispered back.

''We should get ready for breakfast.'' We said in unison, and we look at each other in shock, ''Twins!'' we yell out excitedly, as we jump up and down around our room.

''Okay, we should really get ready before we are late for breakfast.'' Rachel said, ''Yeah, you're right.'' I replied.

''So, what do we have to do today?'' I asked, while we sat down at the breakfast table. ''Today we don't have to do anything specific, I just want to clean our room today and make a birthday present for you, because it's close and I like being prepared.'' She said while taking a sip of her orange juice. ''Okay, so I'll just clean our room with you, and then I'll make your birthday present.'' I said smiling.

''What is something you would want as a present?'' I asked unsuspiciously, while dusting the shelf of a cupboard. ''Umm, I don't know...'' she said deep in thought. ''Wait, what about friendship bracelets?'' she asked suddenly. ''That's a great idea.'' I replied while looking at her. ''Yay. So, we have that figured out, but how are we going to get them?'' she said more quietly. ''Maybe we should wait until we have money and we can actually leave this place.'' I said as I walked up to her. ''Yeah, you're right.'' She said as she hugged me. ''Okay, lets just finish this and go to the library, okay?'' I asked after a while of hugging. ''Yes please.'' She replied smiling.

''Alright, I'm done.'' We said in unison, once we finished cleaning. Then we looked at each other and screamed, ''Twins!''.

''Okay, this has to stop.'' Rachel said while putting her hands in surrender. ''Yeah, but isn't it cute?'' I said shrugging. ''And, weird.'' She replied, with a weird face. ''Agreed, can we go now?'' I asked impatiently. ''Oh, my, God, you are so impatient.'' Rachel replied, rolling her eyes. ''But yes, let's go.'' She continued. ''Yay!'' I said, as I followed her to the door.

''And, we are here.'' Rachel said, while as she stopped walking and looked at a normal wooden door, with a small golden plate that read ''Library.''

''Is this it?'' I asked unimpressed. ''What were you waiting for?'' She asked in a monotone voice. ''I don't know, I guess something more.'' I replied shrugging. ''Well then, let's go inside and I'll show you my favorite place.'' She said excitedly, while she pulled my hand and opened the door.

When I walked in, I saw a rather small room, there was a table that was occupied by a woman, she looked in her thirties, with black hair, and she had a polite face. When she noticed us, she smiled and said, ''Hello girls.'' And with that she went back to whatever she was doing before. I look to my right as I continue walking In to the room, and I saw two book shelfs, one of them was on the wall where the door was and the other one was on the wall next to it, next to the other shelf was a small sofa and next to the sofa was another table, but it was smaller than the other one. In the farthest wall there was a small window with a bookshelf next to it, but I couldn't see them at first because there was a smaller bookshelf that was blocking the way to see them at first. ''Follow me.'' I heard Rachel say. ''Where are you?'' I asked confused. ''Okay, so you go to the window.'' I did what Rachel said. '' O-okay, what now?'' I asked. ''Look to your left.'' I look, and I see her sitting against a bookshelf that was on the wall next to the wall where the window was.

I sat next to her and asked, ''So why this place?'' she looked at me, '' I like it because, you can see the door from here but you can't see this place from the door and here is the absolute best book collection.'' She said smiling at me. As we continued talking, we heard the library's door squeaking as it opened. We turned our heads and saw...''What is he doing here? He never comes here.'' Rachel said confused. ''Does it matter, why Tom's here?'' I asked. ''Oh, are you guys on the first mane basis already?'' she asked me shocked. ''What? No, can we just ignore him?'' I asked desperately, ''Sure.'' Rachel spoke, still a little shocked.

As we continued talking, I felt someone staring at me. And I knew exactly who it was.

(1377 words)

A/N: Hi, sorry for not posting for a while, but I'm back, hope you enjoy and please vote.

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