Chapter 18

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A/N unedited

History of magic ended with a rang and I slowly started packing my things to leave, the last student left as I stood up from my seat, I thoughtfully inhaled the dusty air and hurriedly walked out into the hallway, I looked to my right, Riddle, his energy drains me, I feel so tired and weak when he's around, he's like an energy vampire, like I'm dying just faster than I should.

He looked at me, like his eyes lit up or something, I furrowed my eyebrows, I got angry, ''Leave me alone.'' I said, as if nothing was more important than him leaving me alone right now. I started walking away, why, why, why, I definitely don't like being tormented by a guy who I'm a bit scared of. ''Are you scared of me?'' he asked smiling, it's like he's reading my mind, and here's the feeling again, the draining, as if I'm about to faint. I started walking away faster, he followed me, I stopped walking and turned around and he almost ran into me, ''Leave me alone, just looking at you, makes me ill, you disgust me, don't talk to me.'' I'm getting dizzy, my head spinning, I'm disconnecting, I close my eyes and take in a breath, I don't have a sense of smell anymore, my knees are getting weaker, my eyes are still closed, because I just don't want to look at him, he's bad, he's a bad, bad man, I feel like falling, losing balance, I exhale as I fall into nothing.

Tom's pov:

She fainted as the was trying to get away from me, I feel something, sadness, the way she wants to get away from me so bad, thank goodness I caught her or she would've hit her head, she should've hit her head, I need her on my side, she has potential and Dolohov likes her, I surely can see why.

I brought her to the hospital wing and put her on one of the beds, then I took off her satchel from her shoulder and shoes, and of course Dolohov ran in like a lost puppy looking for its owner, ''Is she alright? What did you do to her?'' he asked angrily, ''Nothing just a curse I've been trying out, and don't even try to tell her anything, you know what'll happen.'' I said as I stood up and went up to him, ''Fine, I'll go get something.'' He said an hurried off , then I sat down and waited for her to open her eyes.

Y/N pov:

I slowly open my eyes, the dry air around me smells like medicine, the hospital wing, I still feel dizzy and weak, drained, I sit up, ''Slowly, before you faint again.'' 'Ohh' I thought, ''Go away, I don't want to see you.'' I said as I unwrinkled my school skirt and edge myself on the side of the bed, my loafers set neatly beside my feet on the tiled floor, I put them on and stood up,

''Go and harass anybody else, like Penelope.'' I said and took my satchel from the chair next to the bed, ''I'm not harassing anyone.'' Riddle replied defensively, like I am hurting his feelings, oh please, his feelings? ''Then what are you doing?'' I asked as I slicked my hair back, a long pause a really long pause I huffed, and started walking away, ''I want you to be my friend.'' Shocking, ''I don't want to be yours.'' ''I won't beg'' ''I'm not asking you to.'' He didn't respond and I left the hospital wing, I checked my wrist watch, classes had already ended, so I went to the Slytherin dungeons.

It was oddly quiet in the dungeons until I started hearing faint footsteps, they got louder and the frame of Antonin showed up, with a bouquet of flowers in his hand, ''I'm so glad to see you, are you alright?'' he asked as he went up to me, I nodded, tie to act like I'm good, ''Yes, I'm quite alright now.'' I smiled shyly looked down, ''These are for you.'' He quietly replied as he handed me the bouquet of light pink roses.

''Thank you.'' I smiled and looked at the flowers. ''That is very sweet of you Antonin, would you mind escorting me to my dorm? I still feel a bit dizzy.'' I asked as I put my hand to my forehead, ''Oh, of course, anything you'd like'' he said smiling and offered his hand for me to take, I took it smiling.

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