Chapter Thirteen: Breakouts

Start from the beginning

I shut the door behind her after watching her scurry after my abusive father. Something in my chest hurt and I hated the tone of voice my mum used. She was hurt and she was being sincere, I knew that much. I wanted to forgive her but I didn’t know if I really could at the moment. I walked over to my desk and put the paper with her scribbled number on it on the desk before falling on my bed in tears.

Zayn POV

Today was the day that I got to see Lexi for the first time in months. For the occasion, I cut and dyed my hair a black color without the blonde strip in the front. I went out and bought some new clothes; a dark pair of jeans and a new white v-neck. I would borrow Niall’s but all of his were either faded or had some sort of spot on them.

I finished lacing my converse and checked my hair one more time in the mirror.

“Ready,” Harry asked me since I was sharing a room with him and he was driving me to the place. We had off today so I had an unlimited time to be with her, which was what I wanted. Surely we could find something to do in her room.

I made sure that ever strand of hair was in the right place. “Yup, let’s go.”

For the whole ride there, I was jumpy and my leg wouldn’t stop bouncing up and down. I was excited and the fact that she didn’t know I was coming was even more exciting. I wanted it to be a surprise just to see the look on her face. I didn’t want to bring Lea for the reasons of I just wanted it to be Lexi and me for a while. Louis said that he would bring her around later after he got finished with taking her shopping.

“Thanks again Haz,” I said as I got of out the car behind the rehab. He nodded his head and wished me luck before driving back to the hotel where he would be going back to sleep I’m guessing. I took a huge breath before going through the back entrance so no one would know I was here.

“Zayn Malik,” I said once I came to the front desk. “I’m here to see-“

“Nina Paulhamus, I know,” the nurse said with a smile on her face. “I’m the one that transfers your calls each time.”

“Oh,” I said while laughing.

“If you would just follow me.” She came from behind the desk and led me through a long hallway. “It’s good to know that there’s still good people out here who are willing to help and visit,” she said trying to make small talk.

“Well I care about her a lot.”

“And that’s easily shown.” She stopped in front of a white door. “Here we are.” She knocked on the door. “Nina, there’s someone here to see you.”

“Tell them to go away,” I heard her say on the other side of the door.

“I’m sure you don’t want that.” She opened the door completely and my breath was taken away. Lexi laid in her bed, her hair up in a ponytail flowing down her back. Her clothes were plain and white but she still made them look flawless on her. Her head turned to me and her eyes got wide as well as her mouth fell open.

“Zayn?” She moved from laying on her bed to sitting up with her feet on the floor.

“It’s me babe.” I took a step into the room.

“Oh my god!” She ran to me full force and crushed her body onto mine. Instantly my arms went around her back and I buried my head into her hair, taking in her familiar scent that I missed so much. “I can’t believe you’re here,” she said with tears falling down her face.

I placed her back onto the floor but never took my arms from her waist. “Well believe it because I’m here.” I took one of my hands and cupped her cheek. “You’re so beautiful.” I wiped a tear off of her face.

“I missed you.” She leaned up and placed a kiss on my cheek before I took her head in both of my hands and gave her a real kiss like I had promised.


“You don’t know how hard it is being in here,” Lexi said as she was laying on top of me, our hands laced together as we stared up at the white ceiling.

“I’m sorry I put you in here.”

She shook her head. “No, no, it’s okay. I needed to be in here and I’m doing much better of course. I was supposed to leave last week but I wanted to stay to make sure that I’m okay.”

I started drawing circles on the back of her hand. “So how much longer are you in here?”

“Another month or so,” she said with disappointment in her voice. “I’m really regretting the decision now. I miss you and Lea.”

“That reminds me…” As if on cue, the door opened and in popped Louis with Lea on his hip.

“Lea!” Lexi jumped up out of bed and ran over to Louis and grabbed Lea from his arms.

“I see I get no lovings either,” he pouted.

Lexi laughed and hugged Louis as well. “Hi Louis. I miss you and the lads.”

“Oh please, we know who you miss more,” he said while he winked at me. I felt myself blush. “Are you ready to go lad?”

“In a sec. Let her have some time with Lea since they miss each other.” Just then, I got an idea in my head. “Hey Lexi…”


“What do you say we break out of here?”

“I don’t know about this Zayn,” she said as she was looking down the hallway. “We have to pass the front desk and she’ll see me.”

“Don’t worry,” I said as I put Lea on my hip. “Louis is gonna distract her. He’s good at things like that. When I tell you to, I want you to run to the back door, okay?” She nodded her head, a scared and uneasy look on her face. I looked around the corner at Louis who was doing a good job at distracting the nurse at the front desk. Good thing that there was only one there to distract and it seemed like she was falling hard for Louis’s charms. He placed his hand on the small of her back and led her the opposite way of where we were supposed to be leaving, giving me a thumbs up behind his back. “Go now,” I whispered to Lexi who nearly sprinted to the back door.

I made a gesture to Louis as best as I could with Lea on my hip. He took it like I thought he would and soon I signed myself out and walked as casually as I could out the back door, giving the nurse the best heart stopping smile that I could to make it seem like I didn’t do anything. Once outside, I found Lexi and pulled her to the awaiting car that Louis also jumped into.

“That was such a rush,” Louis said as he sat on the other side of me. “All we have to worry about now is the cops.” That’s when it struck me; Lexi broke out of a rehab. There was bound to be some people looking for her to bring her back and maybe even file a missing persons report. And being in the limelight like we are, her face would be everywhere and I’m the first person they’re going to go to.


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