Start from the beginning

Pressing a kiss to her lips, she wandered off into the bedroom to make the call whilst he had a shower. Not even five seconds after she'd put the phone down to Helmut Marko, Gina raced in and jumped at her, both girls landing on the bed with loud laughter.

"It's Christmas!" Gina screeches excitedly.

Mick laughed to himself quietly in the bathroom as the two girls started singing songs together, Corinna eventually joining in as she heard the commotion from downstairs. Michael joined not long after, banging on the bathroom door playfully to get his son to join in, which eventually worked.

After calming down, they went downstairs to the living room to open gifts with hot chocolate and the fire burning. Snow had fallen overnight, creating a white blanket on the ground outside for the pups to play in later on.

Chanel noticed the way Mick kept wiping his hands on his jeans, furrowing her eyebrows at him as he looked over at her with even more sweat dripping. Michael soon noticed, questioning his son as to why he was sweating when it was freezing outside but Mick just shook him off.

Opening gifts called for cheer, Gina squeezing Chanel tightly as she unwrapped the matching race jacket to hers, Corinna smiling at her 'daughter-in-law' for the gorgeous new handbag she'd been gifted and Michael laughing at his, an inside joke he had gained with Chanel coming to mind.

Mick gave out his gifts next, the smallest one going to Chanel which earnt funny looks from his parents, Gina and her boyfriend. They were confused, but when she unwrapped it and they noticed the dark blue velvet box they shut up immediately.

"Is that?" Gina whispers to her mother who shrugs in response.

Chanel opened the box and tears sprang to her eyes almost instantly, admiring the diamond contents that sat inside. Michael nearly fell off his seat in anticipation, Corinna catching him just before he faceplanted onto the ground and Gina giggled at his reaction.

"Micky these are gorgeous." Chanel smiles, tracing the M shape of the earrings as Michael peeked over the top of the box and furrowed his eyebrows.

"That's it?" Gina pouts, expecting some sort of engagement ring but instead, it was an earrings and necklace set with his initial.

"That's not it." Mick replies, moving to get down on one knee in front of his girlfriend.

"Stop it!" Gina squeals, seeing the engagement ring before anyone else could.

"Mick." Chanel looks at her boyfriend with surprise, shock and tears falling down her cheeks.

"I have never ever in my life felt like this with anybody. You're my girl, and when I said forever and always I meant it. So, Ms Leclerc, will you be my girl forever?" Mick questions and he didn't even need an answer, he knew already.

She nodded her head, pulling her blonde boyfriend up for a kiss as everyone cheered around them. Mick's tossing and turning was finally over, she had said yes and had calmed his nerves down for the foreseeable future.

The remainder of the holidays, Mick and Chanel spent it in a loved-up haze. No one could come between them, they were happier than ever and nothing could change that. It wouldn't be long until the new beginnings settle upon them, their home in Switzerland would be waiting for them when they got back from a race and their teams waiting for them in the paddock whenever they were ready for a race.

My Girl➛Mick SchumacherWhere stories live. Discover now