Chapter Twenty-Five

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To say his heart was pounding was putting it lightly. He felt like at any minute his heart would burst free of his chest and plop onto his lap in front of the judge and his parents. And Eli and his parents.

There wasn't anyone else in the courtroom besides him, Corin, his dads and Eli and his parents with their respective lawyers. The judge sat at his podium, looking at them from their spot, and the expression on his face was neutral. There was no indication of any feeling, or persuasion, it was just a blank look.

Both dads were similar to the judge in expression, while Corin looked kind of bored. Eli's arm was wrapped and in a sling, and slung across his chest, his brows low over his eyes and those glowered in River's direction. His parents didn't look any better, both of them looking angry and kept sending furtive looks to judge to begin, both lawyers sitting patiently in their spots.

It was Nathan that kept glancing at Eli for his glowering, which River appreciated, but what made him feel better the most was Corin stopping his bored expression and just outright staring back at Eli. There was a light pressure on his arm and River looked up towards his dad, seeing him smile reassuringly at him, the hand squeezing him gently.

He wanted to smile back, but couldn't bring himself to do it and looked back towards the judge, because his heart only picked up harder in his chest. Finally, the judge folded his hands on his podium and nodded as he looked at them.

"We're here to discuss the issue between Elijah Warner and River Savege on the case of assault and cannibalistic actions at the local High School. I'd like each of you to present your case, all comments are to be kept to yourself unless asked, and we'll see if we can get over this quickly."

River watched his other dad look over to the judge when he spoke, then he looked at his dad and his dad looked right back at him. What kind of hearing was this going to be? What did they do?

"River, you speak first."

Swallowing, River jerked his head up to stare at the judge, his eyes widening. He had to speak first? In front of everyone? Another hand touched him, but this time from his right on his shoulder and he looked to see his other dad looking at him.

Swallowing again, River turned to the judge. "From here, or, where?"

"There's fine."Blinking, River nodded slowly, stomach knotting. There were warm waves starting in his cheeks and making their way down his neck and he really hoped he wasn't blushing.

"What do you want me to do?" he asked quietly.

The judge gestured impatiently to everyone but Corin watching him. "Tell us what happened."

"Uh, I was, sitting in my V.C. class when Eli and another guy-"

"This guy's name?"

"I don't know his name." River murmured. "He didn't do a whole lot at first, just listened, and Eli started calling me names, and my brother-"

"Corin Joll-Vogel."

"Corin, yeah, he, he got upset at the names and tried to step in, and Eli started picking on him then."

His palms were sweaty, and the lights seemed really bright as he tried to pick a spot in the room to focus on. Cold trickles ran down the nape of his neck and he reached up to wipe the sweat away, his face warming up more.

"And?" the judge prompted.

"I stepped in."

"You stepped in."

"Yeah. They didn't need to pick on my brother."

The judge's eyebrows shot up and he turned to Eli and his parents. "Is this true?"

People Like Us: Part I [MxFxM]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora