Chapter Thirteen

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On Monday, Charlie was ready for a full day of classes, lunch with Adrian and River, and another week of homework. She was not, however, ready to see Adrian sitting in her seat when she walked into her French class.

Adrian looked up and waved a little to where she stood in the doorway, frowning at him.

"Morning," he said.

"Uh, morning?" she replied walking into the room. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I just figured there were some things we needed to talk about."

"Does one of those explain why you're in my seat?" Charlie asked.

Adrian snorted, glancing around.

"Well yeah, why steal someone else's desk when I can just steal yours?" he replied.

Charlie opted not to argue with that and sighed instead, moving to pull herself up on the desktop instead.

"Alright, well, what are these things that need to be discussed?"

"First off." Adrian started, ticking things off on his fingers. "You owe me lunch. Second, we need to fix the point system. Third, you need to start keeping track of the points somehow."

Charlie frowned slightly, tilting her head.

"First off, you really took that loss hard."

"I did."

"Second...I have nothing to say to that one, because we do. Third, why do I have to do it?"

"You're probably more organized than I am." Adrian answered, Charlie rolling her eyes a little, but honestly, she probably was.

"Okay, fine. So I owe you lunch. Thanks for that," she said, Adrian simply smiling in response. "As for fixing the point system-hand me my bag-what do you propose?"

"I figure certain things can be higher or lower points. And we could add some stuff." Adrian said, reaching down to the side of the desk to pick Charlie's bag up and hand it to her, where she proceeded to look through it for a notebook and a pen.

Once she got what she wanted, she shifted on the desk until she was comfortable, the notebook in her lap.

"Alright. I guess we'll start with changing point values," she said, Adrian nodding and leaning forward a little to see the paper better.

"So we've got touching him and blushing as one point, which I'm fine with, but I think we should move kissing him down," he suggested.

Charlie wrote it down, then paused.

"Well kissing him in general was set at two points, and kissing him on the mouth was set at three, so what's moving?"

"Kissing in general should be one, kissing on the mouth can just go down to two."

Charlie nodded, thinking for a second as she wrote.

"Alright. What else?"

"Him reciprocating with the touching should be bumped up to three points. Actually, no, make it four."

"Four?" Charlie asked, looking over to Adrian. "Isn't that a bit much?"

"He rarely does it." Adrian pointed out.

She had to agree with that. River didn't typically touch either of them. So she wrote it down after shrugging.

"Anything else?"

Adrian thought for a second, narrowing his eyes a little.

"If one of us gets our tongue in his mouth, I think that should be three points," he said. "And if we somehow manage to get into a sexual situation with him, that should be five points."

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