Chapter 7: A New Student At Kuoh Academy?

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The school gates of Kuoh Academy swung open, ushering in the students on an ordinary Monday morning. To most, it was just another start to the week, but for a vocal minority, it felt like hell on Earth. Within the Occult Research Club, the recent departure of their member Issei Hyoudou, disguised as a Family Trip to Hawaii to the curious outsiders, cast a shadow over their days. The members of ORC found themselves in agony, haunted by guilt and regret for their actions that had pushed Issei to the brink. The weight of their choices bore down on them, reminding them of how they had failed to consider his feelings.

As the members of ORC arrived at school from the Hyoudou Residence, Asia's demeanour reverted to normal. Last week, she had been waiting at the front gates, hoping to catch a glimpse of Issei. She intended to offer a heartfelt apology, hoping to mend the rift she had unwittingly caused. However, deep inside, she believed that no matter how much she apologized, there would always be a part that could never forgive herself. Every day, she waited for Issei's return, watching her fellow students pass her by, oblivious to her despair. She clung to hope, arriving late to class day after day, and the routine of waiting became her daily ritual.

Today was no different. Asia stood by the gate, her eyes filled with determination and faith, as the other members of ORC passed by. Kiba, laced with melancholy, remarked, "In the end, Asia, it seems he won't be coming today either."

Undaunted, Asia replied with unyielding fervor, "Kiba, I must cling to my beliefs, placing unwavering trust in Issei. I am convinced that, someday, he will return to us! I wholeheartedly believe it, with every fiber of my being!"

Xenovia said, adding her support, "She speaks the truth; he remains enrolled within the system of the Academy."

Akeno, ever wise, noted, "It seems Azazel is being quite evasive when it comes to explaining his absence, isn't he?"

Koneko remarked, "He always seems wrapped in uncertainty."

Akeno, however, remained focused on the larger picture, musing, "That's completely beside the point, isn't it? Those two are always up to something, especially lately. I wonder what mischievous schemes they're cooking up now."

Rias, the quietest among them, listened to their conversation, seeking solace in their shared concern. Of everyone, she felt Issei's absence keenly. For the past two weeks, she had slept in a bed devoid of his presence, their interactions marred by one-sided hostility.

Feeling the need for unity, the ORC decided to spend time in the Clubhouse. Asia, who wanted to continue waiting, was gently persuaded by Koneko to join them. Koneko, protective of her friend, didn't want others to misunderstand Asia's steadfast vigil at the gates, even though her heart ached just as much as theirs did for Issei's return.


As time passed, a particular individual strolled through the front gates, drawing immediate attention from the students.

"Is that a new kid?" Boy 1 exclaimed in awe.

"Jesus! He's tall and built!" Boy 2 added, equally impressed.

"OMG, is that the new kid?!" Girl 1 squealed with excitement.

"HE'S SO HAWT!" Girl 2 chimed in, her eyes wide with admiration.

"Great! Exactly what we need!" Boy 3 groaned sarcastically.

"Another hotshot stealing the girls from us!" Boy 4 grumbled in frustration.

The newcomer wore the standard boys' school uniform with a unique touch – a turtleneck compression shirt underneath and a single glove adorning his left hand. His earphones dangled from his ears, the wire disappearing under his shirt and into his pocket, connected to an unseen device.

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